ajanta goswami
Log in to view email address.1 Contributed Event:
May 29, 2018
Demystifying Death: Reflective Conversations 4pm @ Ball Memorial Hospital South Atrium 2401 W. University Avenue, Muncie 47303
It is an universal phenomenon.
Yet we are reluctant to accept or talk about this inevitable life event at an individual, family, or community level.Is it because Death represents the Fear of an Unknown Future?
Is it because of the profound Fear of ‘ this is the End of Me’?
Is it because of the agonizing Fear of Pain and or Suffering that can be associated with the act of Death?However not talking about Death does not mean we can escape Death.
Death will happen to each one of us at some point in time.
May be not today. Maybe not in a month. Maybe 10, 20, 50 years from now. We cannot predict the time frame. But it will happen. We all will die!
In that sense, I think, it is better for us to talk about it.The purpose of this free community series, therefore, is to bring to the forefront a seemingly difficult topic and to transform it to an insightful and “easy to engage conversation” for all living in our community.