Patty Brooks
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Dec 14, 2017
Daughters of American Revolution December 2017 Meeting 1pm to 12:42pm @ Kennedy Library 1700 W. McGalliard Road
The December meeting for the Paul Revere Chapter of the NSDAR (National Society of the Daughters of American Revolution) is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., Thursday, December 14, at the Kennedy Library, 1700 W. McGalliard Road, Muncie. Attendees are asked to make, bring, and share traditional holiday family recipes.
This meeting is open to all current and potential members of the DAR. The organization consists of ladies 18 years and older who have verified or working towards verifying one or more descendants as a patriot of the American Revolution.
The NSDAR was founded in 1890 with the local Paul Revere Chapter founded in 1897. The missions of the DAR are patriotism, education, and historic preservation. Today’s DAR chapters interpret those goals in voluntary service to their communities, schools and students, veterans and active duty military. DAR is a not-for-profit, non-religious organization with more than 185,000 members nationally. For further information, contact Registrar Mary Miller at 765-744-9798 or to set up an appointment to explore eligibility of one or more of your ancestors as a Revolutionary War patriot.