5 past events with the acrobatics tag

1 upcoming event with this tag

Dec 10, 2009


  • Cirque Dreams Illumination 7:30pm to 12:42pm @ Emens Auditorium 1800 W Riverside Ave
    Cost: Visit http://www.bsu.edu/emens/cirquedreams/
    Journey with fascination into the depths of a city that ignites with illumination when Cirque Dreams imagination, suspense, and theatrical innovation turns everyday ordinary...into bright and extraordinary! Audiences of all ages will marvel as city dwellers reinvent familiar objects, balance of wires, leap tall buildings and redefine the risks of flight in a story filled with astounding occurrences. One of a kind artists populate the streets of this magical metropolis and breathe energy into its landscape with urban acrobatics and never before seen phenomenal thrills of disbelief. Cirque Dreams' critically acclaimed dazzling costumes come alive to the sounds of jazz, ballroom, pop, and more in this original score.

Feb 25, 2011


Dec 9, 2011


  • An Evening in Venice 5pm to 7pm @ David Owsley Museum of Art, Ball State University

    Ball State's David Owsley Museum of Art to host "An Evening in Venice"

    Join the David Owsley Museum of Art for an Evening in Venice with actors dressed in Venetian Carnival costume and a comic masked performance by Jonathan Becker. Friday, December 9, 5-7 pm.

    MUNCIE, Ind. Take a break from the holidays and come to the David Owsley Museum of Art for bawdy 18th century Venetian humor and Venetian champagne. We're turning the sculpture court into an Italian piazza with a baroque string quartet and actors dressed in gorgeous Venetian carnival costumes. Ball State theatre professor Jonathan Becker will do a masked performance as the comic character Pantelone, who is the old miser of the Venetian Commedia dell'arte. Becker says "Pantelone's loves in life are money, women, money, women, money, women.. pretty much in that order." Pantelone pretends to be old and feeble but when a mouse crosses his path he reveals his youth in an acrobatic display. Becker has become well known making Venetian masks. One of his Pantelone masks is attached to this release.

    An Evening in Venice will be Friday December 9, from 5 - 7 pm at the David Owsley Museum of Art Ball State University. Admission to the event is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be served and a cash bar available. For more information contact Carl Schafer at carlschafer@bsu.edu

    The museum is free to the public and open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Parking is available at the McKinley Avenue parking structure at the corner of McKinley Avenue and Ashland Avenue.

    For more information about the David Owsley Museum of Art, call 765-285-5270 or visit www.bsu.edu/artmuseum.

Apr 16, 2013


  • PSY 7:30pm to 12:42pm @ Emens Auditorium
    Cost: See website for details

    Les 7 doigts de la Main translates as "the 7 fingers of the hand." It is a twist on a French idiom ("the five fingers of the hand") used to describe distinct parts united tightly, moving in cooridination towards one common goal. Les 7 doigts de la main's initial goal was to bring circus to a human scale, all the while blending such diverse forms as acrobatics, avant-garde dance, physical comedy, music, song, spoken word, interactive video projections, and live DJ-ing. The result was a brand new type of show. 2012 marks the premiere of their largest creation yet, PSY. The 7 Fingers found that the juxtaposition of dark and complex themes with the joyful and celebratory language of circus made for a rich artistic experiencem, and this time dove into the murky underworld of the human psyche, traveling through the various characters' dreams, visions and memories.

Apr 24, 2024
