173 Past Events at Let There Be Art!
There are no upcoming events at Let There Be Art!
Dec 30, 2015
Free Open Studio Visit 9am to 9pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, address above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Free Open Studio Visit at Let There Be Art!
Free Open Studio visit, just pay for your canvas!
Our New Years present to you! Let There Be Art prays that God's grace be on you throughout the New Year!
Canvas Prices: 16x20: $7; 11x14: $6; 8x10: $5
Open Studio Info: http://www.lettherebeart.gallery/open-studio.html .
Main website: http://www.lettherebeart.gallery
Feb 4, 2016
Painting Party! "Subtle Still Life" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Subtle Still Life" by Michelle Walker
A bold black and white still life with subtle hints of mint in the delicate flowers.
16x20; 2 - 2 1/2 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zsubtlestilllife.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 5, 2016
Painting Party! "Sign of Life" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Sign of Life" by Michelle Walker
A reminder of the story of Noah and the flood in Genesis 8:6-12 "When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf!"
16x20; 2 -3 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zsignoflife.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 6, 2016
Kids Painting Party! "Hot Air Balloons" 12pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $15 "Hot Air Balloons" by Michelle Walker
Ages 5+
Soar high with your imagination as you paint these vibrant hot air balloons! Pick your balloon colors!
8x10; 1 - 1 1/2 Hours; $ 15.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zhotairballoons.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Painting Party! "Owl Always Love You" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Owl Always Love You" by Michelle Walker
Love perseveres even the coldest snow storm!
16x20; 2 - 2 1/2 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zowlalwaysloveyou.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 10, 2016
Let There Be Art Open House! 12pm to 7pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
We're having an Open House to celebrate our expanding mediums and to celebrate the Grand Open of our new neighbors, Tangled Web Studio!
New mediums and services:
Family Night with Paint by Monster
Toddler Tuesday!
Glass Painting
Card Making
Fiber Arts
Come see demos, enjoy some food, enter raffles at both Let There Be Art and Tangled Web!
Feb 11, 2016
Glass Painting Party! (Design TBA) 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $10 Bring your loved one and paint a romantic matching set! Several different glass pieces available.
Includes one piece of glassware.
1-3 Hours; $ 10.00 (Additional glassware available for purchase)
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zglasspainting.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 12, 2016
Painting Party!: "Sweet Sailing" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Sweet Sailing" by Michelle Walker
Aaaaah the sailing is sweet when there is a gentle breeze on a beautiful sunny day!
16x20; 2-3 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zsweetsailing2.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 13, 2016
Kids Painting Party! "Be My Cupcake" 12pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $15 Ages: 5+ "Be My Cupcake" by Michelle Walker
The perfect Valentine painting for your little cupcake!
8x10; 1-2 hours; $15.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zbemycupcake.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Couple's Valentine Painting Party! "Tree of Love" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $60 "Tree of Love" by Michelle Walker
Celebrate Valentine's Day with the one you love! Come and paint a couple's painting! You and your loved one will each paint one side that will join to make one large painting!
2 x 16x20; 2-3 Hours; $ 60.00
Includes: Romantic music, 2 chocolate roses, special romantic sweets, and drinks!
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zvalentineparty.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 16, 2016
Toddler Tuesday! 2 Sessions Available! 10am to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $15 Ages: 1-4 TODDLER TUESDAY!!!
February Theme: Cooperation!
A great way to introduce your 1-4 year old to the visual arts! Includes a video, lesson packet with coloring page, group game, golf ball painting project, and small snack & drink!
Come have fun, we'll clean up!
2 Sessions to choose from! 10am and 3pm!
1 - 1 1/2 Hours; $ 15.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/ztoddlertuesday.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Sponsored by : Crestview Golf Course
Feb 18, 2016
Paint by Monster Family Night! 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $20 Project Image Coming Soon!
We're teaming up with Paint by Monster to help your family make memories and ART! Watch Paint by Monster, eat some pizza, drink some pop, then then create a mixed media goldfish! (color pencil, acrylics, markers)
$20.00 per person - Only 20 seats available!
(Multiple seat discounts available)
50% of the proceeds go to further the arts through Paint by Monster!
Walk-ins welcome or
More Info & Reserve Your Seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zfamilynight.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 19, 2016
Painting Party! "Fear Not" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Fear Not" by Misty Cougill
An intimidating, foggy forest - but Fear Not! God is always with you! (Isaiah 41:10)
16x20; 2-3 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zfearnot.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 20, 2016
Kids Painting Party! "Ice Cream!" 12pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $15 Ages: 5+ "Ice Cream! by Michelle Walker
Its NEVER too cold for ice cream!
8x10; 1 - 1 1/2 Hours; $ 15.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zicecream.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Scrappin' Saturday! 3pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $20 Grab your scrapbooking stuff and some friends then head to the studio for a scrapbooking session! Enjoy complimentary coffee, tea and light snacks off our Cafe Cart! What could be funner than gabbin' n' scrappin'?!
Price includes featured page kit, use of our wide variety of scrapbooking, card making, and painting tools!
Paper, embellishments, stickers, diecuts, etc available for minimal cost or "take one, leave one!"
6 Hours; $ 20.00Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zscrappinsaturday.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 24, 2016
Fiber Art Party! Arm Knit Scarf! 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 Arm Knit Scarf!
Create a luxurious arm knit scarf! No knitting skills required! The special yarn is made from recycled chiffon by the women of Nepal. You're not only making a beautiful scarf, you're helping these women support their families and thrive!
1-2 Hours; $ 25.00; Additional kits available at Tangled Web Studio!
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zfiberart.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 26, 2016
Painting Party! "Tulips!" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Tulips" by Michelle Walker
Terrific tulips to brighten a dreary winter day!
16x20; 2 - 2 1/2 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/ztulips.html
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Feb 27, 2016
Painting Party! "Graceful Elegance" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Graceful Elegance" by Tammy Kramer
An elegant, graceful ballerina sparkles with rhinestones and silvery paint!
16x20; 2-3 Hours; $ 25.00
Walk-ins welcome or
Reserve your seat:
Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery
Walk-ins welcome orReserve your seat:Website: http://www.LetThereBeArt.gallery(765)749-8717
Mar 10, 2016
Easter Painting Party! 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Easter Blossoms" by Michelle Walker
Pretty cut flowers just in time for Easter!16x20; 2 - 3 Hours; $ 25.00
RESERVE YOUR SEATS: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zeasterblossoms.htmlWalk-ins welcome!
Open Studio 10am-9pm!Mar 11, 2016
Painting Party! 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! Park around back, sign by door, 2851 above door. Inside, follow signs up the stairs or elevator. 2851 N. Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN
Cost: $25 "Florale Contemporaine" by Michelle Walker
A contemporary floral that fits any decor! Choose your circle colors to fit YOUR decor!
16x20; 2-3 Hours; $ 25.00
RESERVE YOUR SEATS: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zfloralecontemporaine.htmlWalk-ins welcome!
Open Studio 10am-9pm!