1,600 past events with the downtown tag

11 upcoming events with this tag

Sep 15, 2024


Sep 21, 2024


Sep 28, 2024


  • Munich to Muncie Oktoberfest 4pm to 8pm @ The Yard 723 S Council St, Muncie IN
    Cost: VIP $47. General Emission $37 (Pre-Sale) Day of General Emission $43 DD $10
    Ages: 21+

    Get out your Lederhosen and Steins--a taste of Germany is coming back to Muncie!

    ecoREHAB is once again in partnership with Indiana On Tap, and is excited to present our 3rd annual signature 21+ "FUN"-DRAISER, Munich to Muncie Oktoberfest at The Yard (formerly McCarty Lumber) on:

    Saturday, Sept. 28th from (4pm VIP Entry) 5pm - 8pm.

    ‘Munich to Muncie’ Oktoberfest will again have something for everyone.

    We will have breweries, distilleries, and wineries from all over the state. Attendees will be allowed UNLIMITED SAMPLE POURS from more than 20+ craft beverage vendors!

    Live music will be provided~~ Stay tuned to find out exactly who will be bringing in the tunes!

    The event will also play host to a:

    - "Masskrugstemmen" (stein-holding)

    - "Bierfass Werfen" (keg-tossing)

    - Best Lederhosen contest

    - & MUCH more!

    *Prizes will be awarded to the winners in separate categories!

    **Proceeds from this event will benefit ecoREHAB of Muncie's efforts of rehabbing vacant homes and training youth for careers in the construction industry.

    Learn more about ecoREHAB at www.ecorehab.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1rG0BWXGYsBWdgHWaoaT9wHbXwtPi8JSZYm_zRE-gLhSWoV4_bBnpgPg8_aem_g5t2uaZNb3NEqsAZmcQTyA&h=AT2xHhsiti9HlsdSglyORkZE1OErJt6nf1uzkd2mIKZx0NiVJLNpj44OFF3YrZ1UbaewHQ1_nU_jAVQyKCJYtbQ8yAEhjrPGkQBnjRPLh1xQvXOwXjVmycapsqP5gMsu13uEAvg13ueHYqWUVc06xew&__tn__=q&c[0]=AT1R6h9zrSWXyvSzg8_vsSz0hOQDXFjWMjFi-B6x0UYU4F1SFr89rMFRceXdaFcPL6UD1qCC0euBZ0LFTSA7zyCwU_TarfYxMhh5KvPlHtsGH6-R1jSyzRKDFmwjXs8CkAxXUF9KNShF4TEsRCTgA52llWfTqr2M7fsDOrOM9XsjiDQRJTTq">www.ecorehab.org

    VIP Tickets ARE available!

    VIPs get...
    - an EXTRA HOUR! Entry at 4:00pm

    - Pretzel Necklace

    - Special discounts

    - Access to VIP LOUNGE

    - and MORE!

    Our "Liquid Gold" Beverage Vendors Will Be Announced Soon, So Check Back!

    Early Bird ticket prices will end on Aug. 21st. Buy online before then and save!

    General Admission ONLY tickets at the gate the day of are $43.00

    {VIP will not be available day of}

    **Designated Driver tickets will be for sale at the gate on the day of the event only. DD tickets can be purchased for $10.

    BRING YOUR OWN BEER STEIN! While tasting cups will be provided to all attendees upon entry, we encourage all attendees to bring their favorite stein or beer mug to the event if you like.

    This is a rain or shine event

Oct 3, 2024


Nov 2, 2024


Nov 7, 2024


Dec 5, 2024


Dec 8, 2024


Feb 6, 2025


  • Ron Bias at 111 Arts Gallery John Kolar at Cornerstone Center for the Arts Carol Wasson at Gordy Fine Art and Framing Co. Jacqueline Harris, Muncie Artist Guild's Artist-of-the-Month Muncie Makers Market at Cornerstone Center for the Arts February's First Thursday (full listing) 5pm to 8pm @ Downtown Muncie Many Locations throughout Downtown Muncie
    Ron Bias at 111 Arts Gallery Ron Bias at 111 Arts Gallery John Kolar at Cornerstone Center for the Arts John Kolar at Cornerstone Center for the Arts Carol Wasson at Gordy Fine Art and Framing Co. Carol Wasson at Gordy Fine Art and Framing Co. Jacqueline Harris, Muncie Artist Guild's Artist-of-the-Month Jacqueline Harris, Muncie Artist Guild's Artist-of-the-Month Muncie Makers Market at Cornerstone Center for the Arts Muncie Makers Market at Cornerstone Center for the Arts

    111 Arts Gallery 
    111 E. Main
    111 Arts Gallery will have our huge collection of Ron Bias Tattoo flash. He was an Indiana artist- rest in peace. They are homemade frames hand drawn flash from the 1970s. For more information, stop by the shop and check out the artwork. We put a book out with his art a couple years ago. The books have long sold out, but the flash is still up. Vintage Americano. 

    The Clubhouse
    115 S. Walnut
    Happy Hour 5-7 pm
    $2 Domestic Draft Pints
    $3 Margaritas
    Half Off Appetizers 

    Closest To The Pin Contest: 
    3 Shots
    Pebble Beach
    Hole 7

    Winner gets a $50 Gift Card 

    Cornerstone Center for the Arts
    520 E. Main
    Cornerstone Center for the Arts February 6 Music guest: John Kolar. From the hills of Morgantown, WV, John Kolar is a guitarist, piano player, vocalist, bassist, composer, producer, mixing engineer, and mastering engineer. John is a member of two music groups: Kiolo (an indie pop/bedroom pop duo) and Mother of Earl (an indie rock band). John writes original music and produces, mixes, and masters for both groups. Their music is available on all major streaming services. John also regularly plays solo gigs, performing acoustic guitar, piano, and vocals, playing originals and rock, pop, country, and jazz covers, 5-8pm.

    Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery: feature artist: Angel Gillette
    Second floor Great Room: local artists and creative makers

    Fox & Sparrow Tattoo
    304 S. Walnut
    Fox & Sparrow Tattoo will be accepting walk-ins from 1-8P with the whole crew having new tattoo flash and line drawings available for tattoo.  

    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co. 
    224 E. Main
    First Thursday opening reception for Six Great Indiana Artists: David Dale, Jim Faulkner, Brian Gordy, Alan Patrick, John Peterson, and Carol Strock Wasson, Thursday, February 6, 5 - 8 pm

    For many years, Gordy has proudly represented some of the best artists in our part of the state of Indiana. This exhibition brings together six of the most recognizable artists who have all achieved statewide and national prominence.  The show will open with a party on First Thursday, February 6, 5 – 8 pm. Brian Gordy, Alan Patrick, John Peterson, and Carol Wasson will attend and be available for questions and conversation. Refreshments will be served, and the public is invited. 

    “It is thrilling to see all these artists in the same space. They have known each other and influenced each other for a very long time. They have also had a long impact on the generation that follows them,” says owner Carl Schafer. “Their commitment to their own artistic lives is matched by their commitment to fostering the artistic talent of their many students.”

    At 6:15 Brian Gordy will give an informal talk about his own work and his long relationship with the other artists in the show. Brian and his wife Genny were owners of the gallery from 1989 – 2015. During that time, they were largely responsible for starting the First Thursday tradition in Muncie and represented all these artists in their gallery. 

    The exhibit will be on view with works for sale in the gallery and on our website through March 1, 2025. 

    Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company promotes talented artists, provides appraisals, restores antique frames, and offers expert design and craftsmanship for framing and displaying treasured family possessions and works of art. Business hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5:30 pm, Saturday, 10 am – 3 pm. Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company is located at 224 East Main Street, next door to Muncie Civic Theatre. For more information, visit www.gordyframing.com or call 765-284-8422

    Muncie Artists Guild
    Various locations
    Jacqueline Harris is the Muncie Artists Guild Artist of the Month for February 2025. Jacqueline Harris has long enjoyed working with her hands by sewing, quilting, needlepoint, jewelry-making, and gardening. Although Jackie had not done artwork until recently, she came from an artistic family and appreciates art and the effort that goes into it. Currently, she is working in acrylics, alcohol ink, and pastels. Recently, her work was shown at Minnetrista’s annual show, the Figures of Speech exhibit and the Open Spaces show. She has benefitted from the guidance of Sarah Shafer, Nick Martin, Michelle Wilson, Ann Johnson, and her mother, Florence Jagger. Her work will be shown at Vera Mae’s, Rosebud, Northwest Bank, and Old National Bank.

    Muncie Makers Market
    Cornerstone Center for the Arts (520 E. Main)
    Still too cold for the Muncie Makers Market on Downtown sidewalks - instead we have a fun First Thursday planned INDOORS with wonderfully unique gifts from our Growers & Makers at Cornerstone Center for the Arts on Thursday, February 6th from 5-8p! Join us and other local Artisans and #ShopCozy with FREE parking on First Thursday!


Mar 6, 2025


Mar 14, 2025


Mar 15, 2025


Mar 20, 2025
