45 past events with the stringed tag

1 upcoming event with this tag

Sep 21, 2013


Oct 5, 2013


Nov 3, 2013


Feb 17, 2014


Nov 15, 2014


Nov 19, 2014


Sep 18, 2015


Sep 19, 2015


Sep 20, 2015


May 30, 2016


Jun 6, 2016


Jun 27, 2016


Jul 7, 2016


Nov 12, 2016


Feb 2, 2017


  • Mike Sigman, David Palm, Erin Williams, Heidi J. Hale Angela Garrels An informal conversation about race and diversity will be held at the Muncie Civic Theatre to celebrate the imminent opening of their performance of Yard signs from Neighbors for Public Justice, Rose Court Detail, Chelsea Rene, Savages Ale House Heather Davis, Savage's Ale House Angie Ridge Hedman, February's First Thursday (official listing) 5pm to 8pm @ Downtown Old National Lot
    Mike Sigman, Mike Sigman, "Ken Preston: 40+ Years of Student Prints," The Atrium Gallery David Palm, David Palm, "Stop All the Clocks," Cornerstone Center of the Arts Erin Williams, Erin Williams, "The Romance," Gordy Fine Art and Framing Heidi J. Hale Heidi J. Hale Angela Garrels Angela Garrels "Self Portrait at the End of One Career," at "Ken Preston: 40+ Years of Student Prints," Madjax An informal conversation about race and diversity will be held at the Muncie Civic Theatre to celebrate the imminent opening of their performance of An informal conversation about race and diversity will be held at the Muncie Civic Theatre to celebrate the imminent opening of their performance of "To Kill a Mockingbird" "Tiny Home Designs for the Homeless of Muncie," Muncie Makes Lab, 1st floor Yard signs from Neighbors for Public Justice, Rose Court Yard signs from Neighbors for Public Justice, Rose Court Detail, Chelsea Rene, Savages Ale House Detail, Chelsea Rene, Savages Ale House Heather Davis, Savage's Ale House Heather Davis, Savage's Ale House Angie Ridge Hedman, Angie Ridge Hedman, "Chaos and Ease," Studio Exhale

    The Atrium Gallery
    Arts and Journalism Building, 1st floor, Ball State University campus

    “Ken Preston: 40+ Years of Student Prints”
    The Atrium Gallery will have extended hours of operation for First Thursday until 8pm for this special show from Ken Preston, Professor of Art at Ball State University. The exhibition presents a myriad of work from his students over the years, including Serigraphy, Lithography, Intaglio, Woodcut, and work from his Introduction to Printmaking courses from 1973 to 2016.  Students work was executed at Indiana University, Bloomington, Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman University), Kirksville, Missouri, and Ball State University.

    Please note this is not an opening reception, but rather, extended viewing hours for First Thursday.

    Cornerstone Center for the Arts
    520 E. Main

    “Stop All The Clocks,” featuring the artwork of the late David Palm, will continue to be on display in the Cornerstone Art Gallery throughout February. Palm was a Muncie native who spent much of his life traveling the world with his primary residence in New York City. The paintings featured in the show capture the often fleeting memories of important, yet seemingly insignificant, moments in one's life. Palm's sister, Janet Stratton, has offered up her collection of his artwork for the public to view. For more information about the show call 765-281-9503. 

    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co.
    224 E. Main

    An opening reception will be held for Ritual, an exhibition of new drawings by artist Erin Colleen Williams. Ritual is comprised of a selection of drawings which contemplate the interdependency of human, animal, and object. Inspired by narrative illustrations, mythology, memento mori, and historical occult imagery, the work visually describes intangible emotions such as loneliness, revulsion, sacrifice compassion, and the universality of death. Ritual also refers to the act of daily drawing, a sometimes mindless repetition of pattern and line, which is a meditation in itself. Light refreshments will be served.


    Grace Episcopal Church
    300 S. Madison

    Grace Episcopal Church will host a concert of music reflecting the theme of romance. Start February with some music from the Romantic period and various love songs from composers such as Haydn, Kreisler, Elgar, Dvorak, and Respighi. Our performers this evening are Peter Douglas, piano and David Blakely, violin. Douglas is currently pursuing a Master of Music in Piano Performance at Ball State University. He received his Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from Baldwin Wallace University Conservatory of Music (Berea, OH). Blakely is currently a violin performer in the Muncie Symphony Orchestra and teaches violin locally. Our concert begins at 7:30 pm and our doors open at 5pm for viewing of our art gallery. Grace Episcopal Church is located on the corner of Madison St. and Adams St. 


    Heidi J. Hale
    301 S. Walnut

    Heidi J. Hale will be open throughout the First Thursday events offering jewelry for sale.


    Madjax Muncie
    628 S. Walnut

    Ken Preston, Professor of Art at Ball State University, will have a show at Madjax featuring 40+ years of Student Prints.


    Book Arts Collaborative (at Madjax)
    600 E. Main

    Book Arts Collaborative will have an opportunity for the community to pull a print using one of our printing presses.


    Tribune Showprint (at Madjax)
    501 E. Main

    Tribune Showprint will be giving tours of the shop and have some old posters out for people to see.


    Muncie Civic Theatre
    216 E. Main

    Muncie Civic Theatre is inviting the community to participate in an informal conversation in our lobby about diversity and race relations 'now and then' as we prepare to present To Kill a Mockingbird. The conversation will be led by WaTasha Barnes-Griffin from the YMCA and Maude Jennings from the Whitely Community Council. The Shaffer Chapel will have artifacts from the era on display. Hot chocolate will be served. All are welcome.


    Muncie Makes Lab
    628 S. Walnut

    First Floor

    “Tiny Home Designs for the Homeless of Muncie”

    Ball State University’s Department of Architecture is exhibiting 16 tiny home designs for the homeless and homeless veterans. These projects, produced by 4th year architecture students, were finalists in the 2016 Cripe Competition.

    Second Floor

    “CritChat: The Upside Down”

    As CritChat’s fifth First Thursday event, this one night only exhibit will feature experimental video, sound, sculpture, installation, and drawing by several group members. Exhibiting artists will be present and guests are encouraged to ask questions throughout the evening. CritChat is a free, community meet-up developed and facilitated by Muncie-based artists working to promote collaboration and support for emerging area artists.


    Rose Court
    125 E. Charles

    “Neighbors for Public Justice,” a new local community group, will hold an informational Open House during February’s First Thursday in the Rose Court Building. Several members will be on hand to provide information and other materials about the organization. Additionally, a limited number of yard signs in Spanish, English, and Arabic that read “No matter where you are from, we’re glad you’re our neighbor” will be available for purchase.

    Neighbors for Public Justice was formed shortly after the November 2016 election. They aim to “inform and support one another in our individual and collective efforts to promote social justice on a local and global level, equip one another with practical, positive ways to communicate and engage with local, state, and national government, and empower one another to be advocates for all people."

    Neighbors for Public Justice meets every Thursday evening at the Friends Memorial Church, 418 W Adams Street, in Muncie from 6pm to 7pm.

    Savage's Ale House (21+)
    127 N. High

    Savage's Alehouse will be showing the work of Heather Davis and Chelsea Rene.

    Studio Exhale
    103 N. High St.

    Studio Exhale will host an opening reception by artist Angie Ridge Hedman entitled “Chaos and Ease.” Hedman is currently a high school art teacher at Monroe Central. She began working on this diverse body of work when she changed jobs after teaching at one school for 17 years. The change of schools was stressful for her, and painting allowed her to quickly get her emotions onto the canvas. 

    She prefers working with acrylics because of the accessibility, affordability, and quick drying process. The medium allows her to apply several thin layers of paint in a limited time. Hedman always has an in-progress painting going on in her classroom because she feels students learn and appreciate more if they can be an active witness and participant in the art process. It is important for them to see her as both an artist and an educator. If they see her taking creative risks in art, they might be inspired to do the same.

Apr 7, 2018


Oct 1, 2018


Oct 4, 2018


Oct 27, 2018


Nov 10, 2018
