104 past events with the public art tag
43 upcoming events with this tagNov 15, 2020
Ball State Bassoon Day 1pm to 4pm @ Virtual Event
Ball State Bassoon Day
Contact DetailsKeith Sweger
Ball State bassoon professor Keith Sweger will be joined by guest artist Kim Laskowski for this virtual Ball State Bassoon Day. Kim Laskowski is associate principal bassoon of the New York Philharmonic and is on faculty at The Juilliard School and Manhattan School of Music.
Events include:
1–3 p.m. | Master Class
3 p.m. | Q&ARegistration
This virtual event is free and open to the public with registration required. Registrants will receive information via email on how to access the virtual event. REGISTER NOW:
Nov 22, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Cuplets on Facebook 6pm to 8pm @ Virtual Event
Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:
On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets!
This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading - temporarily online at Facebook due to the pandemic - will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza.
#BYOC2 = Build Your Own Community
Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets!
Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! We sure do miss meeting at The Cup and look forward to our post-pandemic return!
And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above!#Cuplets
Nov 29, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Dec 1, 2020
Giving Tuesday - Muncie Arts & Culture Council 8am @ Virtual Event
Who likes blank walls and traffic signal control boxes when you can have public art instead? These are part of the Box! Box! program by the Muncie Arts & Culture Council! MACC is always working to make our city a more beautiful place with the arts.
Donating today helps us continue to add art to your neighborhood, your drive, and your life! Give at munciearts.org/donate!
Find MACC on Facebook:
Dec 6, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Dec 13, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
May 6, 2021
Muncie Young Artist Exhibition
5:30pm to 7:30pm @
Virtual Event
URL: https://www.muncieyoungartist.com/ Ages: Kindergarten- 12th grade Cornerstone Center for the Arts and Prime Trust present Muncie Young Artist Exhibition. Delaware County school children and Cornerstone Center for the Arts students, kindergarten to 12th, grade will create and submit art work. This work will be displayed in a virtual showcase and Muncie Artists Guild will provide a $250 scholarship to one outstanding entry. Enter online at www.muncieyoungartist.com.
Jun 2, 2022
The Spring 2022 Muncie YART 5pm to 8pm @ Canan Commons 500 S. Walnut St
Muncie, Indiana – YART is Coming!
YART is a Yard Sale for Art! YART began in Muncie, Indiana with students at Ball State University and continues here and in several U.S. cities - a Muncie original! The Muncie YART is now held Downtown, at Canan Commons, twice a year, Spring and Fall, and coincides with ArtsWalk. The Spring 2022 Muncie YART is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, June 2nd!
This community art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to everyone, brings together Artists and Art patrons in a casual and unique setting. The Spring 2022 Muncie YART will be held in conjunction with the 2022 Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, June 2nd, from 5-8p. You can find YART and LIVE music performances at Canan Commons, Muncie's great urban greenspace park and amphitheater by the roundabout on South Walnut Street in Downtown Muncie, Indiana.
All forms of Art are welcome at YART! Art of all kinds, by all kinds of Artists! YART encourages pandemic-safe interaction between Artists and the community, hoping to make Art more accessible, especially to those who think they cannot afford to buy Art for themselves and their homes. To this goal, all YART Art will be priced below $40! YART works to enable local creative entrepreneurs and to improve the Muncie economy. Shop local, support independents, enjoy your town!
The last YART featured over 100 Artists! Each YART Artist will be present throughout YART to meet the public, discuss their Art, handle sales personally, and some Artists will be making Art LIVE at YART! This is a great opportunity to enjoy your family interacting with local culture in a dynamic, lively, and relaxed atmosphere.
The Spring 2022 Muncie YART will feature a wide variety of handmade jewelry, photography, clothing, oil/acrylic/watercolor paintings, fused glass, ceramics, knits, pottery, candles, toys, drawings, sculpture, lampwork glass, stuffed animals, digital art, mosaics, LIVE ART and LIVE MUSIC, and so much more!
Outdoor fun for all ages - YART and ArtsWalk are for the whole family!
Miss Moth (YART Director) and the YART Artists very much thank Cheryl Crowder of the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership and the City of Muncie for their generous support! YART is an all-volunteer, zero-budget, community event. THANK YOU!
LIKE Muncie YART on FaceBook:
Oct 6, 2022
The Fall 2022 Muncie YART 5pm to 8pm @ Canan Commons 500 S. Walnut St
Muncie, Indiana – YART is Coming!
YART is a Yard Sale for Art! YART began in Muncie, Indiana with students at Ball State University and continues here and in several U.S. cities - a Muncie original! The Muncie YART is now held Downtown, at Canan Commons, twice a year, Spring and Fall, and coincides with ArtsWalk. The Fall 2022 Muncie YART is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, October 6th!
This community art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to everyone, brings together Artists and Art patrons in a casual and unique setting. The Fall 2022 Muncie YART will be held in conjunction with the 2022 ArtsWalk on Thursday, October 6th, from 5-8p. You can find YART and LIVE music performances at Canan Commons, Muncie's great urban greenspace park and amphitheater by the roundabout on South Walnut Street in Downtown Muncie, Indiana.
All forms of Art are welcome at YART! Art of all kinds, by all kinds of Artists! YART encourages pandemic-safe interaction between Artists and the community, hoping to make Art more accessible, especially to those who think they cannot afford to buy Art for themselves and their homes. To this goal, all YART Art will be priced below $40! YART works to enable local creative entrepreneurs and to improve the Muncie economy. Shop local, support independents, enjoy your town!
The last YART featured over 100 Artists! Each YART Artist will be present throughout YART to meet the public, discuss their Art, handle sales personally, and some Artists will be making Art LIVE at YART! This is a great opportunity to enjoy your family interacting with local culture in a dynamic, lively, and relaxed atmosphere.
The Fall 2022 Muncie YART will feature a wide variety of handmade jewelry, photography, clothing, oil/acrylic/watercolor paintings, fused glass, ceramics, knits, pottery, candles, toys, drawings, sculpture, lampwork glass, stuffed animals, digital art, mosaics, LIVE ART and LIVE MUSIC, and so much more!
Outdoor fun for all ages - YART and ArtsWalk are for the whole family!
Miss Moth (YART Director) and the YART Artists very much thank Cheryl Crowder of the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership and the City of Muncie for their generous support! YART is an all-volunteer, zero-budget, community event. THANK YOU!
LIKE Muncie YART on FaceBook:
Nov 3, 2022
Muncie Makers Market 5pm to 8pm @ Downtown Corner of Walnut & Adams
First Thursday with the Muncie Makers Market is coming soon on November 3rd! 🍁 #ShopSmall #BuyLocal
The Muncie Makers Market is happy to be a part of Muncie’s First Thursday community events, thanks to an invitation to take over the sidewalks in front of Muncie Map Co. in Downtown Muncie! 🍂 This is a popular local monthly tradition, going years back, with all sorts of vendors, artists, and entertainers set up throughout Downtown Muncie. It’s a casual, relaxed evening outdoors, and we help to bring folks to the area. We’ve been getting a great turn out!
Assuming good weather, the Muncie Makers Market will set up on the sidewalks by the corner of Walnut and Adams Streets for the November 2022 First Thursday. A former Market Vendor who now has their own shop, Muncie Map Co. at 111 East Adams Street, hosts us on their sidewalk. This is is right next to Toys Forever Models & Hobbies at 300 South Walnut Street, and lots of great shops, bars, and restaurants. The Muncie Makers Market is a registered farmers market featuring handmade creations, homemade foods, and locally grown produce! We will be open to the public from 5-8p. 🍁 All of our local Growers and Makers hope you come see us and enjoy a lovely Autumn evening with your community!
All Vendors must register in advance, thank you! 🍂
Jun 1, 2023
Spring 2023 Muncie YART 5pm to 8pm @ Canan Commons Brink of Summer ArtsWalk in DWNTWN Muncie! 500 S. Walnut St
YART is a Yard Sale for Art! But don’t think it’s a yard sale like you’ve ever been to before! YART began in Muncie, Indiana with students at Ball State University and continues here and in several U.S. cities - a Muncie original! The Muncie YART is now held Downtown, at Canan Commons, twice a year, Spring and Fall, and coincides with ArtsWalk. The Spring 2023 Muncie YART is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, June 1st!
This community art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to everyone, brings together Artists and Art patrons in a casual and unique setting. The Spring 2023 Muncie YART will be held in conjunction with the 2023 Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, June 1st, from 5-8p. You can find YART and LIVE music performances at Canan Commons, Muncie's great urban greenspace park and amphitheater by the roundabout on South Walnut Street in Downtown Muncie, Indiana.
All forms of Art are welcome at YART! Art of all kinds, by all kinds of Artists! YART encourages interaction between Artists and the community, hoping to make Art more accessible, especially to those who think they cannot afford to buy Art for themselves and their homes. To this goal, all YART Art will be priced below $40! YART works to enable local creative entrepreneurs and to improve the Muncie economy. Shop local, support independents, enjoy your town!
The last YART featured over 150 Artists! Each YART Artist will be present throughout YART to meet the public, discuss their Art, handle sales personally, and some Artists will be making Art LIVE at YART! This is a great opportunity to enjoy your family interacting with local culture in a dynamic, lively, and relaxed atmosphere.
The Spring 2023 Muncie YART will feature a wide variety of handmade jewelry, photography, clothing, oil/acrylic/watercolor paintings, ceramics, stuffed animals, drawings, knits, pottery, candles, toys, sculpture, glass, digital art, mosaics, LIVE ART and LIVE MUSIC, and so much more!
Outdoor fun for all ages - YART and ArtsWalk are for the whole family!
Miss Moth (YART Director) and the YART Artists very much thank Cheryl Crowder of the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership and the City of Muncie for their generous support! YART is an all-volunteer, zero-budget, community event. THANK YOU!
LIKE Muncie YART on FaceBook:
Jun 3, 2023
The Walking Market
9am to 4pm @
Plank Brothers Bike Co, Urban Farm and Recycling Center
920 W 8th St
Enjoy a host of homemade goodies, fun, and sunshine!
Featuring a number of community members and leaders, this event is a networking opportunity allowing artists and admiring patrons to connect in meaningful ways.
If you're a vendor and wish to participate, here's the sign up form! All details concerning sign up can be ascertained on the original Facebook link as well as any updates around the event in general.
Oct 5, 2023
The Fall 2023 Muncie YART 5pm to 8pm @ Canan Commons 600 S. Walnut St
YART is a Yard Sale for Art! But don’t think it’s a yard sale like you’ve ever been to before! YART began in Muncie, Indiana with students at Ball State University and continues here and in several U.S. cities - a Muncie original! The Muncie YART is now held Downtown, at Canan Commons, twice a year, Spring and Fall, and coincides with ArtsWalk. The Fall 2023 Muncie YART is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, October 5th!This community art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to everyone, brings together Artists and Art patrons in a casual and unique setting. The Fall 2023 Muncie YART will be held in conjunction with the 2023 ArtsWalk on Thursday, October 5th, from 5-8p. You can find YART and LIVE music performances at Canan Commons, Muncie's great urban greenspace park and amphitheater by the roundabout on South Walnut Street in Downtown Muncie, Indiana.
All forms of Art are welcome at YART! Art of all kinds, by all kinds of Artists! YART encourages interaction between Artists and the community, hoping to make Art more accessible, especially to those who think they cannot afford to buy Art for themselves and their homes. To this goal, all YART Art will be priced below $40! YART works to enable local creative entrepreneurs and to improve the Muncie economy. Shop local, support independents, enjoy your town!
The last YART featured over 150 Artists! Each YART Artist will be present throughout YART to meet the public, discuss their Art, handle sales personally, and some Artists will be making Art LIVE at YART! This is a great opportunity to enjoy your family interacting with local culture in a dynamic, lively, and relaxed atmosphere.
The Fall 2023 Muncie YART will feature a wide variety of handmade jewelry, photography, clothing, oil/acrylic/watercolor paintings, ceramics, stuffed animals, drawings, knits, pottery, candles, toys, sculpture, glass, digital art, mosaics, LIVE ART and LIVE MUSIC, and so much more!
Outdoor fun for all ages - YART and ArtsWalk are for the whole family!
Miss Moth (YART Director) and the YART Artists very much thank Cheryl Crowder of the Muncie Downtown Development Partnership and the City of Muncie for their generous support! YART is an all-volunteer, zero-budget, community event. THANK YOU!
WANT TO SELL YOUR ART AT YART? It's FREE to Artists! :) YART Artist Sign Up is on September 1st on the Muncie YART page on Facebook.
LIKE Muncie YART on Facebook:
Jun 6, 2024
The Spring 2024 Muncie YART! 5pm to 8pm @ Canan Commons 600 S. Walnut St
#YART is a Yard Sale for Art held during ArtsWalk on the First Thursday of every June and October at Canan Commons in Downtown Muncie! All Art priced under $40! The Spring 2024 Muncie YART will be from 5-8p on Thursday, June 6th during the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk!
YART Artist Sign Up is on May 1st on the Muncie YART Facebook page - it's FREE to all Artists! Signing up means you are IN!
YART has a zero-dollar budget and is proof that community members working together can create a hugely successful and fun experience! Volunteers are sought for the YART Artist Set-Up from 3-5p on June 6th, show up to HELP, thank you! ♥️
Jul 28, 2024
The Indiana Chitlin Circuit @ Cuplets 5pm @ The Cup 1606 West University Avenue
Cost: FREE Admission with Menu Purchase! Please join us for a very special evening, presented by Cuplets, Live Poetry at The Cup, on Sunday, July 28th, at 5p, The Indiana Chitlin Circuit!
This Hoosier project is based on the historical Chitlin Circuit that sprouted during the period of Jim Crow segregation. African American performers weren’t allowed to share a stage with white performers, so a network of live entertainment venues in the US emerged that catered to black audiences and black entertainers. The PuICC facilitates and shares the pride and verve of the historical entertainers that burgeoned (bur-jn) African American entertainment throughout America.
With the PuICC, three poets collaborate, creating an atmosphere of artistic excitement, all three sharing the mic, taking turns reading a piece of poetry inspired by the last piece of poetry read. Each poet feeds off the other, not knowing what to read until that VERY moment. This magical round-robin of sorts goes on for about 20 minutes. We will take a small break and then each poet gets a solo set of about 10 minutes. As a group each, our poets read a poem by lucille clifton – line by line.
This is unlike any poetry event you have been a part of and it is likely VERY different than what you’ve seen or been audience to! We are excited for you to experience this with our very own Indiana State Poet Laureate, Curtis L. Crisler, and two of our local poets, Cuplets Host, Abigayle Devendorf, and Gayle Radwick!
Admission is FREE with a purchase from the menu of The Cup! 🥯☕️
Join Cuplets monthly on every 4th Sunday at The Cup at 5p! The Cup is a coffeeshop/restaurant at 1606 West University Avenue in The Village by the campus of Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. Free parking is behind the café, enter the parking lot off of Dill Street by Be Here Now.
Dec 5, 2024
Sidewalk Sale🎄Muncie Makers Market at Light Up DWNTWN 5pm to 8pm @ Adams & Walnut
Mar 9, 2025
Stitch 'n Bitch 3pm @ The Cup 1606 West University Avenue
Cost: Menu Purchase to Support the Venue! Muncie Stitch n' Bitch meets every Sunday! 🧶 We meet weekly at The Cup at 3p. Everyone is welcome, with any kind of making! The Cup is in The Village, near the campus of Ball State University, at 1606 West University Avenue. Free parking is behind the café, enter the parking lot off of Dill Street by Be Here Now. Support our host venue with purchases from The Cup’s menu! ☕️🥯 Creativity and caffeine, that's our thing!
Mar 16, 2025
Stitch 'n Bitch 3pm @ The Cup 1606 West University Avenue
Cost: Menu Purchase to Support the Venue! Muncie Stitch n' Bitch meets every Sunday! 🧶 We meet weekly at The Cup at 3p. Everyone is welcome, with any kind of making! The Cup is in The Village, near the campus of Ball State University, at 1606 West University Avenue. Free parking is behind the café, enter the parking lot off of Dill Street by Be Here Now. Support our host venue with purchases from The Cup’s menu! ☕️🥯 Creativity and caffeine, that's our thing!
Mar 23, 2025
Stitch 'n Bitch 3pm @ The Cup 1606 West University Avenue
Cost: Menu Purchase to Support the Venue! Muncie Stitch n' Bitch meets every Sunday! 🧶 We meet weekly at The Cup at 3p. Everyone is welcome, with any kind of making! The Cup is in The Village, near the campus of Ball State University, at 1606 West University Avenue. Free parking is behind the café, enter the parking lot off of Dill Street by Be Here Now. Support our host venue with purchases from The Cup’s menu! ☕️🥯 Creativity and caffeine, that's our thing!
The Walking Market
9am to 4pm @
Plank Brothers Bike Co, Urban Farm and Recycling Center
920 W 8th St
Muncie Young Artist Exhibition
5:30pm to 7:30pm @
Virtual Event