36 past events with the indie music tag
0 upcoming events with this tagNov 21, 2015
The Red Clay Pigeons
9pm to 3am @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St. Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $5 21+, $10 18yrs. Ages: 18+ unless with a guardian Come join The Red Clay Pigeons, Lord Franklin, Nick Dittmeier & The Sawdusters, and ZiG for an eclectic night of original roots rock, solo rock/pop & and live electronic looping. All at your favorite venue to see a show in Muncie: Be Here Now
Jun 17, 2016
ONA! Featuring The Red Clay Pigeons and Monaco & Alameda 9pm to 12:42pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
Cost: TBD Monaco & Alameda 9-10
Red Clay Pigeons 10-11
ONA 11-12
Ona (Huntington, WV)
-Indie Rock-
Listen: https://thebandona.bandcamp.com/
Watch: www.vuhaus.com%2Fvideos%2Fona-song-from-the-field&h=XAQHzkIHp&enc=AZPPCMgjBMCoVmYl-fIS-Vc1wxGUdQkqbN1gFW6F3xjLvc9wdtALgLzWajkeA26Dw9c&s=1" target="_blank">http://www.vuhaus.com/videos/ona-song-from-the-field
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: @thebandona
The Red Clay Pigeons (Muncie, IN)
-Folk Rock/Americana-
Monaco & Alameda (Milltown, Ireland & Denver, CO)
-Pop Folk-
www.monacoandalameda.com%2F&h=cAQHBiNb4&enc=AZPuIRruuBqox1p_ohN1AcHSu6XiboAXHICp5zS2naHxzwZTCMp8hHkGa__TuTBcUDc&s=1" target="_blank">http://www.monacoandalameda.com/Jun 27, 2016
Free Music Monday w/ The Blue Velvets & Ultra City 9pm to 12:42pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
Cost: Donation only over 21, $5 under 21 Ages: 18+ We bring in acts from all across the globe and this show proves it! The Blue Velvets are from Sydney, Australia and they will be coming all the way from the land down under to us!
Ultra City (Oklahoma City, OK)
The Blue Velvets (the Blue Mountains on Sydney’s outskirts)
-Fresh, Lounge-Style-
http://bluevelvets.net/Jul 7, 2016
Dr. Boldylocks // Common Center // Elle Carpenter 8pm to 2am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
Cost: TBD Ages: 18+ Elle Carpenter (Durango, CO)
www.ellecarpenter.com%2F&h=JAQEGkFhC&enc=AZOewhdOfE4egRP7ieQVewQ-n4hRGjmOh5Edh_7xVmQvNL9iaZLQBH3ffULmoIyRZ4Q&s=1" target="_blank">http://www.ellecarpenter.com/
Common Center (Covington, KY)
-Psychedelic/Gypsy Rock/Soulclad/Boogie/Funk-
Dr. Boldylocks (Muncie, IN\)
-Acoustic Jibber-Jabber and Electrified Madness-
https://www.facebook.com/DrBoldylocksAndTheTwitterAllStarsJul 8, 2016
Owen Ni and Commonweather 8pm to 2am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
Cost: TBD Ages: 18+ Owen Ni 12-?
Commonweather 11-12
Tumblr: www.commonweather.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/commonweatherIL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommonweatherIL
On A High Wire 10-11
Andrew Adkins 9-10
http://andrewadkins.net/GlassCastlesHomePage.htmlJul 9, 2016
High Waisted // Back of A Car // Heathen Daniels 8pm to 3am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
Cost: $5 over 21, $10 under 21 Ages: 18+ Surf, soft punk, Americana, blues, and rock 'n roll all in one Saturday night! And these acts are from all over this great nation, swinging on through the Now to jam with us!
High Waisted (NYC!) 1130-?
-Surf/Rock and Roll/Dream Pop-
Back of A Car (Las Cruces, New Mexico) 1030-1115
-Soft Punk-
Heathen Daniels (Kalamazoo, Michigan) 9:00-1015
Setting Color 8:25-9:00
https://www.facebook.com/settingcolorbandNov 12, 2016
Mike Martin & The Beautiful Mess // In Flight // Zorn 8pm to 3am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill
Cost: $5 over 21, $10 under Ages: 18+ Original music from Mike Martin & the Beautiful Mess (Charleston, SC), In Flight (Asheville, NC), and Zorn (Muncie, IN)
Event Page:
Feb 10, 2018
Levi Driskell live acoustic
8pm to 12:42pm @
The Guardian Brewing Co
514 E Jackson Street
The Guardian Brewing Company presents:
Levi Driskell: Live acoustic show
Oct 1, 2018
The Rightly So Live 8pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
The Rightly So is extremely excited to be coming to Be Here Now! We hope to see you on October 1st at 8pm. No cover!
The Rightly So is an acoustic americana duo from Buffalo, NY. Combining the sounds of classic folk and rock with a country feel, their soulful harmonies and familiar melodies create a sound that is unique and captivating. Their debut album is available now. For more information, visit https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.therightlyso.com%2F&h=AT1YXJpds1loEfc-gVJyvwrlI7RMfC2F8PmfVRXqk6wMKE0zRzqpn8aSbJ5wnsiOjuAPvOpZ-kfEG9zljSdyiAAazTO1tJrLOF7Yo4hIimpJ5RWezZKqB6nm_SQrHB-t">www.therightlyso.com.Apr 11, 2019
Sereena Midwest Tour
8pm @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St.
Nashville recording artist & BSU alumni, SEREENA, hits the stage at Muncie's eclectic venue, Be Here Now on Thursday, April 11. Join the fun for amazing live music from her band and thick bluesy voice. Fresh cocktails, cold beer and inspiring music.
See you there!
Aug 9, 2019
Broke Royals live 7pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill St.
Ages: 18+ DC-based indie rock band Broke Royals perform at Be Here Now. Featuring ex-Dreams of University guitarist Colin Cross, Broke Royals.
While they’re on their own sonically, their musical choices are very “DC.” From the get-go, their output has had all the nuance, raw emotion, accessibility and directness of their neighbors in the legendary Go-Go and Hardcore scenes.
With “Saint Luxury,” the first single off their forthcoming album of the same name, uncertainty has never sounded so sure-footed. They’ve taken their urgent, anthemic guitar rock and soulful melodies in as many directions as they’ve got songs, and their latest is another major leap forward.
Sep 23, 2019
The Rightly So Live
7pm @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St.
The Rightly So is extremely excited to be returning to Be Here Now! We hope to see you on September 23rd at 7pm. No cover!
The Rightly So is an acoustic americana duo from Buffalo, NY. Combining the sounds of classic folk and rock with a country feel, their soulful harmonies and familiar melodies create a sound that is unique and captivating. Their debut album is available now. For more information, visit www.therightlyso.com.Jul 20, 2022
Ben Mulwana 11pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill Street
Ages: 18+ - Guitarist and musician from Africa
- Range of musical influences including folk, acoustic, etc.
- Website: https://www.benmulwana.com/
- Sample music: https://www.youtube.com/c/benmulwana
- Latest Album: “Wano Naawe”
Raised in Uganda but based out in Wisconsin, Ben Mulwana is a diverse artist and does both band and solo music. His next project will be released in May, 2022.
Jul 22, 2022
Secondhand Denim, Man of the Flood, and Incas 9pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill Street
Cost: $10 Ages: 18+ Secondhand Denim
- Indie rockers from Muncie
- Instagram & sample music: https://www.instagram.com/secondhand.denim/channel/
- Kind of music your mom likes
Man of the Flood
- Indie rock band with a twist of alt pop and drum grooves
- Out of Fort Wayne
- Website: https://manoftheflood.com/index.html
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manoftheflood/
- Sample music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEHqiYNq5SqGQFjUlLL1BDQ
- All about that DIY artistry
- Latest EP: "Vessel"
- Alternative/acoustic group from Marion, Indiana
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeEf5hIOWcS/
- Sample music: https://incasmusic.bandcamp.com/?fbclid=IwAR3WiQJGUcLC7UYHFkbRFecBgjxZvd6JU60PfDL1uCwq9PuFlTNwOuBYKww
- Chill, psychedelic math rockers all about BLM
Take on some relaxed indie music with some experimentation thrown in!
Jul 23, 2022
The Breakes 9pm @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill Street
Cost: $10 Let the music of The Breakes wash over you in cascading guitar riffs! Check out their acoustic and electronic sounds with an open mind.
- Funky indie rockers from Indianapolis, IN
- Website: https://www.thebreakes.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebreakes/
- Sample music: https://soundcloud.com/thebreakes
- #Burger Rock
Jul 30, 2022
James McMurtry at the Muncie Three Trails Music Series 7pm @ Canan Commons 500 S. Walnut St
The Muncie Three Trails Music Series is thrilled to present the 9th season in which the series presents critically acclaimed national recording artists in four FREE concerts at Canan Commons in Downtown Muncie. All shows begin at 7 PM and are all ages. And this season, we will also be presenting a special “Bonus” concert at Cornerstone Center for the Arts. Complete information on the series and all artists, including samples of their music, can be found at www.munciethreetrails.com.
Americana artist James McMurtry will open our series on Saturday, July 30th. With eight albums, including American Music Awards’ “Album of the Year” winner Childish Things, a Grammy nomination, and having one of his songs, “We Can’t Make It Here” named by famed music critic Robert Christgau in 2010 as “Song of the Decade,” McMurtry’s list of accolades is impressive. His latest release, The Horses and the Hounds, continues his tradition of writing hardscrabble songs about good people at bad extremes and the disintegration of small towns in flyover America. Muncie native Mike Martin and the Beautiful Mess will open the show.
The Muncie Three Trails Music Series is a non-profit partnership between Muncie Downtown Development Partnership, Muncie Arts and Culture Council, and Rick Zeigler, series founder and organizer. The mission of the series is to bring critically acclaimed, national recording artists to perform at Canan Commons, Muncie’s premier outdoor performance venue, located in the heart of Downtown Muncie. A second mission is to promote the many recreational, artistic, and cultural attractions located along, or in close proximity to, Canan Commons and Muncie’s popular “Three Trails” -- The White River Greenway, Cardinal Greenway, and Muncie Arts and Culture Trail. We hope attendees will heed our slogan, “Explore the Trails, Enjoy the Music”.
Aug 27, 2022
Secondhand Denim & Daisychain 9pm to 1am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill Street
Cost: $10 Secondhand Denim
- Indie rockers from Muncie, IN
- Instagram & sample music: https://www.instagram.com/secondhand.denim/channel/
- A little of mom's chill music
- Blues and psych rock band based in Chicago
- Website: http://daisychainmusic.net/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daisychainchicago/
- Sample Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4EBZwe3YvBq3Snb5q2imAw/videos
- Influenced by Patti Smith, The Melvins, and Jack White
Sep 2, 2022
Golden Alley, Wasted Devotion, Plain Jane and Her Ghost 8pm to 1am @ Be Here Now 505 N. Dill Street
Cost: $10 Take a chance and spend some time with these folks right here:
Plain Jane and Her Ghost
- Dark pop alt-rock duo from Indianapolis, IN
- Sample music (Youtube)
- Sad girl music with riffs
Golden Alley
- Heavy indie rockers from Muncie, IN
- Sample music (Bandcamp)
- A bright spot in the universe
Wasted Devotion
- New wave American rock band from Fort Wayne, IN
- Sample music (Bandcamp)
- Tips a hat to the old days, bringing sounds of the new age
Sep 24, 2022
Gwenifer Raymond at the Muncie Three Trails Music Series 7pm @ Cornerstone Center for the Arts E.B. Ball Auditorium 520 E Main St. Muncie, IN 47305
The Muncie Three Trails Music Series is thrilled to present the 9th season in which the series presents critically acclaimed national recording artists in four FREE concerts at Canan Commons in Downtown Muncie. All shows begin at 7 PM and are all ages. And this season, we will also be presenting this special “Bonus” concert at Cornerstone Center for the Arts. Complete information on the series and all artists, including samples of their music, can be found at www.munciethreetrails.com.
On September 24th, the Muncie Three Trails series will present a special “bonus” fifth concert at Cornerstone Center for the Arts’ E.B. Ball Auditorium. This show will feature Wales- born and London-based solo acoustic guitarist Gwenifer Raymond. Raymond’s specific field of solo guitar is known as “American primitive,” a term coined by acoustic guitarist John Fahey in the late 50’s to describe his own music, intended to somehow convey an ineffable and ever-evolving amalgam of influences. For Gwenifer, this means she melds Appalachian folk, Southern pre-war country blues, Indian ragas and drone-based music, along with hints of vintage gothic horror films and a good dose of Welsh folkloric strangeness. The sound she makes is so cavernous, evocative and frenetic it seems as though at least two more guitarists must be hiding somewhere in the wings. Be prepared for a completely unique and spellbinding experience when Gwenifer Raymond takes the Cornerstone stage. Lonesome With Company will open the show.
The Muncie Three Trails Music Series is a non-profit partnership between Muncie Downtown Development Partnership, Muncie Arts and Culture Council, and Rick Zeigler, series founder and organizer. The mission of the series is to bring critically acclaimed, national recording artists to perform at Canan Commons, Muncie’s premier outdoor performance venue, located in the heart of Downtown Muncie. A second mission is to promote the many recreational, artistic, and cultural attractions located along, or in close proximity to, Canan Commons and Muncie’s popular “Three Trails” -- The White River Greenway, Cardinal Greenway, and Muncie Arts and Culture Trail. We hope attendees will heed our slogan, “Explore the Trails, Enjoy the Music".
Aug 18, 2023
Foxxy plays the Second Story Lounge 5pm @ Farm Stand Second Story Lounge Above The Downtown Farm Stand 107 S Mulberry St. Muncie, IN. 47305
Cost: $10 Ages: 18 + Foxxy is a 4-7 piece band based out of Indiana. They are your do it all band with powerhouse vocals and a rocking rhythm section. Whether you want rock, pop, funk, or more. Foxxy can do it all. When it comes to soul they’ve got it! Be sure to check out this high energy group. Foxxy herself stays in Muncie, come support local talent! They’ll be playing covers and originals throughout the evening. This is one you don’t wanna miss. Foxxy herself is apart of multiple bands. One you may know of is The Indigos who are originally based out of Muncie. She’s been a member since 2015 and still sings with them to this day. And as well as many other groups she loves to collaborate with. She is one of the most sought out female vocalists in Indiana. She can sing anything from 4 non blondes, Janis, to led zeppelin and more! We hope to see you this weekend! Come and hang out with us and Foxxy! $10 ticket and only 50 seats!
The Rightly So Live
7pm @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St.
Sereena Midwest Tour
8pm @
Be Here Now
505 N. Dill St.
Levi Driskell live acoustic
8pm to 12:42pm @
The Guardian Brewing Co
514 E Jackson Street