3 Past Events at McAlister's Deli
There are no upcoming events at McAlister's Deli
Sep 4, 2021
The Steampunk Consortium 1st Saturday Meet & Greet 6pm @ McAlister's Deli 600 E. McGalliard Rd. Muncie, IN 47303
Come joins at our New Meeting Location in Muncie.
McAlister's Deli in Muncie, Indiana.
600 E. McGalliard Rd.
Muncie, IN 47303All Steampunk Groups are welcome to join us. Come tell us about your Steampunk Community, Plans, Ideas, and help build a stronger community.
Topic: Steampunk Community Meet & Greet
Sub-Topic: Hopes, Desires and Plans for the year coming, Personal Stories or Historic Expressions.
"Please keep in mind that the object of our carousal is to entertain and amuse; the social gathering, therefore, should not be made the arena of dispute. As you Value your Character and usefulness, be always courteous and affable"
Steampunk: a style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction.
Salon: (gathering)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. These gatherings often consciously followed Horace’s definition of the aims of poetry, “either to please or to educate” (Latin: aut delectare aut prodesse). Salons in the tradition of the French literary and philosophical movements of the 17th and 18th centuries were carried on until as recently as the 1920s in urban settings.
#muncieNov 6, 2021
The Steampunk Consortium Meet & Greet 6pm @ McAlister's Deli In the Party Room 600 E. McGalliard Rd. Muncie, IN 47303
Come join us at McAlister's Deli in Muncie, Indiana.
600 E. McGalliard Rd.
Muncie, IN 47303• All Curious Individuals and Steampunk Groups are welcome to join us.
Come ask questions, and find out what our group and Steampunk is about. Feel free to join us for Salon in or out of costume. Both are excepted and appreciated• Addressing other Regional Steampunk Groups please join us, come tell us about your Steampunk Community, Plans, Ideas, and help build a stronger community.
Topic: Steampunk Community Meet & Greet
Sub-Topic: Hopes, Desires and Plans for the year coming, Personal Stories or Historic Expressions.
***We do ask that you adhere to Established COVID directives when attending the meeting. If you aren't feeling well, Have a fever, or have tested positive for COVID, please do not attend the Gathering. ***
"Please keep in mind that the object of our carousal is to entertain and amuse; the social gathering, therefore, should not be made the arena of dispute. As you Value your Character and usefulness, be always courteous and affable"
STEAMPUNK: a style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction.
CONSORTIUM: A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.
SALON: (gathering)
A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. These gatherings often consciously followed Horace’s definition of the aims of poetry, “either to please or to educate”.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salon_(gathering)
#muncieMay 7, 2022
The Steampunk Consortium's May Meet & Greet 6pm @ McAlister's Deli 600 E. McGalliard Rd. Muncie, IN 47303
Please feel free to join us for a little while, dressed in your Steampunk Finest or In your Common Clothing. We won't judge.
We will be meeting at McAlister's Deli in Muncie Indiana from 6pm to 9pm.
• All Curious Individuals and Steampunk Enthusiasts are welcome to join us.
Come ask questions, and find out what our group and Steampunk is about.• Addressing other Regional Steampunk Groups please join us, come tell us about your Steampunk Community, Plans, Ideas, and help build a stronger community.
Topic: Steampunk Community Meet & Greet
Sub-Topic: Hopes, Desires and Plans for the year coming, Personal Stories or Historic Expressions.
***We do ask that you adhere to Established COVID directives when attending the Face to Face meetings. If you aren't feeling well, Have a fever, or have tested positive for COVID, please do not attend the Gathering. ***
"Please keep in mind that the object of our carousal is to entertain and amuse; the social gathering, therefore, should not be made the arena of dispute. As you Value your Character and usefulness, be always courteous and affable"
STEAMPUNK: a style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction.
CONSORTIUM: A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.
SALON: (gathering)
A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. These gatherings often consciously followed Horace’s definition of the aims of poetry, “either to please or to educate”.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salon_(gathering)