2 Past Events at Farmland Friends Church
There are no upcoming events at Farmland Friends Church
Apr 2, 2011
Sent By Ravens, Write This Down, Icon for Hire, Creating Constellations, Embers Burn, Par-Time Hero
7pm to 11pm @
Farmland Friends Church
8311 W. US 32 Farmland, IN
Cost: $10 ADV, $12 ATD Rockhill Productions presents Tooth & Nail Records artists Sent By Ravens, Write This Down, and Icon for Hire along with local acts Creating Constellations, Embers Burn, and Part-Time Hero.
Jul 31, 2011
Disciple, Embers Burn, Protest for Pluto, and Creating Constellations
6:30pm to 10:30pm @
Farmland Friends Church
8311 W. US 32 Farmland, IN
Cost: $12 ADV, $15 ATD Rockhill Productions presents INO Records artist Disciple along with local acts Embers Burn, Protest for Pluto, and Creatin Constellations.