Taylin McKee
Log in to view email address.1 Contributed Event:
Mar 16, 2013
Mayhem in Muncie
1pm to 11pm @
Delaware County Fairgrounds
Memorial Building
Cost: $3 or $5 with compilation CD ALL AGES EVENT!!!!! 2 STAGES!!! $3 or $5 with CD.The Memorial Building! 20 bands tearing up the Muncie Fairgrounds in the Memorial Building! STAGE 1: EPYON, REFRACTIONS, I AM SHAKEN, I EXIST, OF CREATIONS, BLACK FOR TOMORROW, TO ALL ASPIRING, AS KING, SO SAYETH, THE TUG FORK RIVER BAND. STAGE 2: ABOVE ALL NATIONS, THE WORLDS SLOWEST COMEBACK, FOREVER AT LAST, ANAPHAYLXSIS, MAAX, NEZERA, REVELATION 13, INHERITORS, CREATING CONSTELLATIONS, SIRENS!!!! Tickets for this event will only be $3($2 extra gets ya the compilation cd) for an all day event with 20 bands, $5 admission if you want the compilation album! Please no outside food or drinks!!! All age event, so please have respect! SPONSORS SO FAR INCLUDE ABERCROMBIE INK, COUSIN VINNY'S, AND MUNCIE MUSIC CENTER, BIG ED's FOOD VENDING, FOLLY MOON AS WELL!!!!