21 past events with the digital arts tag

2 upcoming events with this tag

Sep 4, 2014


  • Art by Debra Grindhart Dragoo at The Artist Within Art by Debra Grindhart Dragoo at The Artist Within Art by Mary Ann Rahe at Gallery 308 Art by Mary Ann Rahe at Gallery 308 Art by Carol Blakney at Gallery 308 Art by Carol Blakney at Gallery 308 Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art by Cynthia McHone at Rose Court First Thursday 5pm to 8pm @ Downtown
    Ages: 21+ at the Heorot
    Art by Debra Grindhart Dragoo at The Artist Within Art by Debra Grindhart Dragoo at The Artist Within Art by Debra Grindhart Dragoo at The Artist Within Art by Debra Grindhart Dragoo at The Artist Within Art by Mary Ann Rahe at Gallery 308 Art by Mary Ann Rahe at Gallery 308 Art by Mary Ann Rahe at Gallery 308 Art by Mary Ann Rahe at Gallery 308 Art by Carol Blakney at Gallery 308 Art by Carol Blakney at Gallery 308 Art by Carol Blakney at Gallery 308 Art by Carol Blakney at Gallery 308 Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Art by Alan Patrick at Gordy Fine Art & Framing Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Photography by Andrew Wit on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art by Cynthia McHone at Rose Court Art by Cynthia McHone at Rose Court

    111 Arts Gallery
    111 E Main

    Craig Mathis bsu grad lucky rabbit tattoo artist painting in acrylic in found boards various folk art themes incorporating comic like feel outside of the tattoo art spectrum ,, this is Craig's first solo show he's tattooed in Muncie over 10 years at the lucky rabbit tattoo studio


    The Artist Within
    313 S Walnut
    Aerosol and Old Lace – Series Seven

    The Artist Within will feature new art by local visual artist, poet, and artivist Deborah Gindhart Dragoo. Layers of vibrant colours, textures, and vintage plastic lace motifs create this new stunning series of canvas brilliance. There will be also be PINK earrings designed specifically for The Little Red Door of Delaware County / ECI. After reading the courageous cancer journey of Muncie's own Sonya Paul, the artist chooses to share her art gifts. These special earrings will be on sale for $10 per pair with all proceeds to benefit The Little Red Door for their breast cancer awareness programs.

    A "Meet the Artist" opening reception with light refreshments will be held Thursday September 4th from 5-8pm; ALSO, there shall be CAKE! Celebrate "62" with the artist...YUM!


    Cornerstone Center for The Arts
    520 E Main

    5pm to 9pm: Electronic Arts Showcase in Great Room of Cornerstone (second floor). Kinect, Oculus Rift, and LED lighting on display.

    6pm: Live performance by Lavonte Pugh (ala Bit_Slayer) and  featuring LED hula-hooping by Cassie Gabriel and Ashley Downing.


    Gallery 308
    308 E Main
    Conversations About Nature Through Art and Poetry

    A two-woman exhibit featuring artists Carol Blakney and Mary Ann Rahe opens First Thursday at Gallery 308 on September 4.  “CONVERSATIONS ABOUT NATURE through art and poetry” features prints by Carol Blakney, ceramics by Mary Ann Rahe and poetry by Mike Brockley, Karen Hiday, and Jeffery Owen Pearson. The opening reception for the new exhibit will be held from 5 to 8pm on First Thursday.

    Blakney explains the exhibit, “It’s a collection of the observations, inspirations, and memories of local artists in a collaborative exhibit of prints, ceramics, and poetry, inspired by our local wildlife and environment.“ Blakney stated she is interested in individuality, intelligence, and metaphor in nature.  She created a series of Abobe Artistic Filter prints of the wide variety of creatures she has discovered in her Muncie garden.

    Mary Ann Rahe uses ceramic forms and surfaces to explore themes of nature. She added, “For me, art inspired by nature engages the observer in both formal issues of design and imaginative interpretation. In addition, invited poets will contribute verse related to themes of nature. “

    According to the two artists, “NATURE” is full of powerful and often contradictory meanings.  We recognize the sounds and landscapes and familiar creatures of our local environment as part of what “home” is.  The more welcoming we are of nature in all its forms, the more creative and healthy our home will be.  A place where in parks and gardens and wild places we can still learn about form and color, life and death, and how we are in the universe”

    A Muncie native, Rahe attended St. Louis University and earned B.A. and M.A. degrees in ceramics from Ball State University.  During the nineteen-eighties, she was resident potter at Sinclair Shops, Hartford City, Indiana.  She taught ceramics at Yorktown High School during most of the nineties and has taught for the Art Department and School of Extended Education at BSU for fourteen years.

    Blakney received her BFA in Fine Arts and Art Education from the University of Massachusetts in 1982.  She taught art and reading in a public school resource room until she was hired as the first project manager for the Oxford Guide to Classical Subject in the Arts, published in 1993.  She has traveled extensively to photograph and illustrate the landscapes and wildlife of Turkey, England, Ireland, Mexico and the eastern United States.  The daughter of missionaries, she was born into civil unrest that toppled the apartheid government of Rhodesia.  She has remained engaged in social and environmental activism in the United States.

    Gallery 308, which provides space for local and regional artists with monthly “First Thursday” exhibits, is in its 14th year as a nonprofit art gallery.  For more information about the Gallery 308 ArtsWalk exhibit opening, contact sherry@jackscamera.com. The gallery is open Fridays from 3-7pm and Saturdays from 12:30 – 5:00pm.  Admission is free. The show continues through September 26.


    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co.
    224 E Main
    Here and There:  Recent Paintings by Alan Patrick

    When Alan Patrick needs to look for new subject matter for his oil paintings, he doesn’t travel far. He and wife, Cindy, live the artist’s life on their small farm just outside Albany, IN. Well-tended gardens, a fish pond,  greenhouse and separate studio provide just about everything an artist could hope for, in the way of subject matter. Often, the award-winning Patrick paints flowers and still life scenes in the comfort of his studio. But sometimes, he just has to get out and tromp around in the woods to find his next inspiration. Nearby streams and a river provide both compelling scenes and a strong reflective light that bounces off tree trunks and leaves. Many artists paint beautiful stream scenes. What sets Patrick’s paintings apart has to be his technique of layers and layers of translucent colors that give a depth and brilliance even cameras can’t convey.

    “I am interested in common-place subjects. If they are important, it is because of the formal elements such as line, shape and color. I do hope that they strike a chord with people, but the meaning is in the drawing and brushwork rather than the subject matter,” the prolific painter offers. He continues, “I can pass by a place a hundred times and that place is just ordinary. Then, one day, it’s magic. It has color, form, light and drama. It has suddenly become a wonderful place to look at. I know there is a painting there.”

    He continues, “I photograph places and then return to my studio and think about the subject. What feeling does it evoke? What forms and colors work in the composition? I usually do compositional studies in charcoal first, working out the structure of line and value. Then I think about color. I spend a lot of time on a painting before I ever touch a brush.”

    The public is invited to view the exhibit during the First Thursday’s Arts Walk on September 4, 2014 from 5 to 8 PM. The artist will give a short talk and answer questions about his work beginning at 6:15 PM. Light refreshments will be served. Gordy Fine Art & Framing is located downtown at 224 East Main Street, next door to Muncie Civic Theatre. For more information, visit http://www.gordyframing.com, or the Gordy Fine Art & Framing page on Facebook.


    Heorot Pub & Draught House (21+)
    219 S Walnut

    Janelle Summers will be the featured artist at Heorot this month. Summers focuses on drawing as an exploration of form, the figure, and at times the grotesque.


    Muncie Makes Lab
    628 S Walnut

    Graduate students from Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning, along with architecture professors Gernot Riether and Andrew Wit, designed and built an innovative pavilion during their summer coursework.  Conceived of as a “traveling pavilion for the city,” the pavilion’s initial rendition and location served as a test of concept, structural ideas and durability.  This open house exhibition shows the design process (research into computational design and fabrication methods, drawings, models, detail studies), and end result (photographs and component pieces).  Students will also be present to demonstrate the fabrication of tensegrity units.  The pavilion is currently located on the outskirts of Muncie, Indiana, standing in stark contrast to lush natural surroundings. Perched between a lake and a forest, the stretched lycra tensegrity structure appears to float as it lightly grazes the earth.


    Mutual Bank Marble Wall
    110 E Charles
    Afterhours Art Reels – Hedwig and the Angry Inch

    Muncie Downtown Development will host outdoor “Afterhours Art Reels” following the First Thursday Gallery Walks, June-September.  Films will be projected onto the Mutual Bank wall on Charles St. at dusk.  Seating will be available on the Fickle Peach patio located at 117 E. Charles St. for guests 21 and up.


    Rose Court
    125 E Charles
    Doodles, Down Time Patterns

    Rose Court is pleased to host artist Cynthia McHone and her exhibit entitled:  'Doodles, Down Time Patterns'  for September's First Thursday.   Cynthia's primary medium is pen and ink. Here is what Cynthia has to say about her work:

    "When I moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Muncie, Indiana I knew that life would bring me new opportunities. I had no idea that in my leisure/down time I would find relaxation and enjoyment through random doodling. Albuquerque averages 310 days of sunshine a year and since Muncie's weather patterns are quite different I found myself appreciating indoor activities a great deal more. One day, while watching the evening news I picked up a sketch book and a few color pens and began to draw.

    "The dictionary describes a doodle as a simple drawing that is unconsciously created while a person’s attention is otherwise occupied. Often done to relieve boredom, I found that these repetitive patterns were relaxing and somewhat addictive.

    "This exhibit celebrates the rhythms, geometries, textures, and abstract landscapes created under the influences/echoes of Gustav Klimt, William Morris, Owen Jones, and appliqué quilting. I hope you enjoy these little works of art to find that these abstract harmonies lessen the stresses of your day as they have done for me. "

Oct 1, 2015


  • Art by the Muncie Artists Guild on display at The Artist Within Painting by Missy Adams, on display at Cornerstone Center for the Arts Monkey Thunder returns to Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co. Jewelry for sale at HeidiJHale Designs Art on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art on display at Muncie Makes Lab Dynamo, on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art by Andrea Swartz, on display at Rose Court Art by Andrea Swartz, on display at Rose Court Art by Jenny Smith, on display at Rose Court Art by Jenny Smith, on display at Rose Court First Thursday: ArtsWalk 2015 5pm to 9pm @ Downtown
    Art by the Muncie Artists Guild on display at The Artist Within Art by the Muncie Artists Guild on display at The Artist Within Painting by Missy Adams, on display at Cornerstone Center for the Arts Painting by Missy Adams, on display at Cornerstone Center for the Arts Monkey Thunder returns to Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co. Monkey Thunder returns to Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co. Jewelry for sale at HeidiJHale Designs Jewelry for sale at HeidiJHale Designs Art on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art on display at Muncie Makes Lab Dynamo, on display at Muncie Makes Lab Dynamo, on display at Muncie Makes Lab Art by Andrea Swartz, on display at Rose Court Art by Andrea Swartz, on display at Rose Court Art by Andrea Swartz, on display at Rose Court Art by Andrea Swartz, on display at Rose Court Art by Jenny Smith, on display at Rose Court Art by Jenny Smith, on display at Rose Court Art by Jenny Smith, on display at Rose Court Art by Jenny Smith, on display at Rose Court

    The Artist Within
    313 S Walnut

    ArtsWalk 2015 will be First Thursday October 1st from 5-9pm The Artist Within will feature the Muncie Artists Guild. The Guild will be unveiling their mural that depicts a 1907 downtown Muncie scene entitled, “Main Street Looking West”. Twenty-one artists from the Guild participated by each painting an 18”x18”canvas depicting a section of the scene.  Some of the artists used oils while others chose to paint with acrylics. The panels will be assembled to create the large mural.  The mural will remain on display at the Artist Within throughout the month of October, but will then be moved to a permanent location in City Hall as a gift to the city from the Muncie Artists Guild. The members will also be showing several individual works of art.  Please join us for the October 1st reception at the Artists Within featuring music by Bryce Taylor and light refreshments.

    In addition to the exhibit, Toren Scott will have his pottery on display out front with Normandy Flowers on the scene filling Toren's pieces with fresh flower arrangements by his wife Audrey.

    There will also be a pottery demonstration conducted by the BSU Ceramics Department.


    Canan Commons
    500 S. Walnut St

    Muncie’s own Jennie Devoe will perform on the Canan Commons Stage at 7 p.m. At the conclusion of her set at 8:30 p.m., we will set in motion a spectacular lighted interactive display. The project was funded by a grant to MDDP by Ball Brothers Foundation and was designed by PROJECTiONE and Ball State’s Institute for Digital Intermedia Arts. The launch of this one-of-a-kind public attraction will be the cornerstone of our celebration of Muncie’s 150th birthday. This special event for all ages includes other surprises as well!  You will not want to miss this Sesquicentennial finale.


    Cornerstone Center for The Arts
    520 E Main

    Join Cornerstone Center for Arts for the First Thursday ArtsWalk on October 1, 2015, for your last chance to see "Pop Art Presidents" by Missy Adams. The show entitled “Pop Art Presidents” is a collection of paintings honoring the lives and history of the 43 presidents of the United States.

    Missy Adams is a local artist who took her love of portrait painting and history to create a series of paintings celebrating the colorful personalities and interesting lives led by the nation’s presidents. The show was painted with the limited color palette of red, white, and blue and utilizes shading and layering to create depth representing each president’s own personality. Each painting features a corresponding quote from that president displayed under their portrait.

    The artist will be present from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Cornerstone Art Gallery on the second floor of Cornerstone Center for the Arts, 520 E. Main St, Muncie.

    Adams describes painting as her passion, love, therapy, and her nightmare at times. She started painting at a young age and has been primarily self-taught. She has experimented with watercolor, acrylics, oil, gouache, and even coffee to paint on glass, cardboard, canvas, and paper to discover what works best. She describes her style as not realistic per se, attributing her ability to see things differently from others as her inspiration.

    For more information about the show visit http://www.cornerstonearts.org.


    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co.
    224 E Main
    Monkey Thunder 5

    Monkey Thunder started four years ago as a one-night only, pop-up, art coup of sorts in an effort to address the wants and needs of an under-served faction of our local arts community. With little to no guarantee of staying power, it thrived. After 4 glorious iterations, Monkey Thunder is back, and it's going public!

    Organized and curated by Gallery Manager Braydee Euliss, MT5 will be a month-long event with the opening reception coinciding with ArtsWalk, Downtown Muncie's biggest First Thursday of the year on October 1st from 5 - 9 PM.

    The artwork featured will be an eclectic selection of both 2D and 3D work from local and regional artists, current faculty and students at Ball State University School of Art, as well as guest artists from across the country.

    In addition to the work displayed at GFAF gallery, Monkey Thunder 5 includes video, performance, and other time-based artwork on view in Muncie Civic's Black Box Theatre under the direction of Maura Jasper, visual artist, filmmaker, and Assistant Professor of Intermedia Art at BSU. This 'side-show' is a Monkey Thunder favorite and offers a rare exhibit experience for both the artists and the audience.

    Light refreshments will be served, DJ Jannell will provide the music, and the public is invited to attend. This is a family friendly event, but please note, the work on exhibit will be interpretive, experimental, difficult, conceptual, and subversive. Gordy Fine Art & Framing is located at 224 East Main Street, next door to Muncie Civic Theatre. For more information, call 765-284-8422, visit us on Facebook, or on the web.


    Grace Episcopal Church
    300 S Madison

    Jazz concert with Phil Cooley at Grace Episcopal Church (corner of Madison & Adams). Concert will begin at 7:30pm and feature early 20th century jazz.


    HeidiJHale Designs, LLC
    301 S Walnut

    Several one of a kind pieces will be on display and for sale.

    Heidi Hale, local artist and longtime resident of Muncie, has chosen ArtsWalk October 1st to welcome the public to her new studio.  HeidiJHale Designs, LLC is a working studio located at 301 S. Walnut in Muncie’s Downtown Arts District.  The studio is located in Suite 102 of the Mitchell Place Building and is a fully functioning jewelry design studio with a retail space that allows customers to purchase pieces of jewelry created in the studio and/or place custom orders.  Heidi is known for her creative designs, unique use of materials and outstanding craftsmanship.  She has been making beautiful jewelry along with teaching others for many years. 

    She invites the public to visit her on Thursday October 1st from 10am-9pm to share in the excitement of her Grand Opening.  Regular store hours are 10-5 Monday through Friday, 11-5 on Saturday, and begin Friday October 2nd.

    You can get a “sneak preview” of what to expect at http://heidijhale.com.


    Hue Salon
    125 E Charles

    Local green artist Debra Gindhart Dragoo will have a collection from the greenglamstudio at Hue salon. A mix of AEROSOL AND OLD LACE and PRETTY FACES and SPRAYART COLOUR LAYERS. Series selection specifically chosen for the salon with a splash of Green Glam jewels of course. All works are repurposed.

    Please join the talented stylists from Hue salon and Debra Gindhart Dragoo for light edibles and join in the celebration of ARTSWALK! Support local artists and #DWNTWN Muncie.


    Muncie Makes Lab
    628 S Walnut

    AIAS Art Auction
    The Ball State AIAS (American Institute of Architecture Students) chapter is organizing a gallery and art auction to be featured in the October First Thursday Art Walk. Student work including photography, sketches, paintings, and sculptures from College of Architecture and Planning students and faculty will be displayed. All proceeds from the event will support the Ball State AIAS chapter, helping send students to regional and national conventions.

    MPL Creative Makerspaces: Connection Corner and Maker Loft
    Creativity and technology join forces at Muncie Public Library’s two makerspaces: Connection Corner and Maker Loft. These spaces provide technology access and education to adults and children, and seek to encourage creative tech use. Whether you’re making a short film, learning to code, or manipulating circuitry to create sound, our makerspaces have the tools and knowledge to help you complete your project.

    Narrative Tables, Dept of Architecture BSU, Instructor: Sean Burns
    How might concepts and methodologies of “narratology” be integrated within the design and fabrication of an object?  This exhibition investigates the potential for a table to serve as a medium to express a chosen story, using narrative world-making strategies, borrowed from contemporary literary theories. Each designed table tells and teaches a different story by encouraging the message of the narratives to be discovered, interpreted, and experienced by the end user through the detailing, material selections, form, and function of the object.

    Title: Dynamo IV
    DYNAMO is an art collective dedicated to promote diversity of art throughout our community. Our fourth show consists of artwork from student and local artists with a variety of media and subject. We have work at Muncie Makes Lab as well as the Living Room! All those who are interested in joining future Dynamo endeavors, please contact either Katie Norman or Sarah LaBarge at dynamoshows@gmail.com.


    Muncie Symphony Orchestra
    Charles and Walnut

    Muncie Symphony Orchestra, sponsored by The Sursa Griner Group of Raymond James and Associates, will perform from 6-7 p.m. at the corner of Charles and Walnut St.


    Rose Court
    125 E Charles

    Jenny Smith (http://jennysmithphotography.com)
    Instagram has become one of her favorite social media outlets. The saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”, is oh so true. An interesting image can stand alone… however, if you decide words are necessary, you can always #hashtag your comments so others may search your chosen descriptive words and see for themselves the images you have posted.

    Come take a look at the work of @jennymooresmith and apply her tips in processing images that post to Instagram. All you must do is create your own account. Most everyone has a cell phone - use that camera and download free apps. Join the #instacraze revolution today! Instagram images are easy to print if that’s your desire.

    The square format is the standard for Instagram, however you can make any size image fit into that format for posting and printing. My top 3 Apps: Instagram, Snapseed, SquareReady

    Andrea Swartz (http://atozstudioworks.com)
    Andrea Swartz, an architecture professor at Ball State’s College of Architecture and Planning (who just likes making), will show images and artifacts of a recent installation done for the Indianapolis Art Center. See @macqueenswartz #installationnation and #stitching to get a preview. A shout out to Muncie’s own Steve Selvey and Robert Jessee of ROC: Reclaim Repurpose Architectural Salvage on Liberty Ave. (and on Facebook) for their support on this project.


    Special Digital Art Event by IDIA Lab
    Charles and Walnut

    Ball State’s IDIA Lab, in partnership with Paws, Inc, Delaware County Historic Society, Muncie Arts and Culture Council, Center for Middletown Studies, Ball State University Libraries and Ball State Information Technology, has created a special digital art event in honor of Muncie’s 150th birthday. Jim Davis' Garfield will virtually host the event. Experience begins at dusk on the corner of Charles and Walnut St.


    Additional ArtsWalk 2015 Notes

    Prime Trust will host a “Soup Crawl” benefiting Second Harvest Food Bank at a variety of DWNTWN restaurants. Tickets are available in advance for $15 at all Prime Trust branches and Second Harvest Food Bank.

    Muncie’s YART 2015 will be held in conjunction with ArtsWalk. This guerrilla art sale, with a goal of making art affordable and accessible to the community, brings together artists and art patrons in a casual and unique setting.

Oct 6, 2016


Mar 7, 2019


  • Rebecca Chappelow, Art by Amy Rocco will be at the Fickle Peach Green Glam Studio Jewelry at GindhART, Madjax 2nd floor Michael Miller at Gordy Fine Art and Framing, Co. “Universal Fluidity: New Paintings by Stephanie Remington,' The Guardian Brewing Co. Sam Gindhart, Fiber Arts Pop-Up Exhibit, Madjax 2nd floor Virtual Reality, Idia Lab, Madjax Muncie Makers Market, corner of Adams and Walnut Rand McNally maps and atlases and Replogle globes at Muncie Map Co. Open Studioe at Plyspace $1 off mugs at Thr3e Wisemen Brewing Co. Blues Jam at Valhalla March's First Thursday (full listing) 5pm to 8pm @ Downtown Muncie
    Ages: 21+ in some locations
    Rebecca Chappelow, Rebecca Chappelow, "The Light out of Darkness," Cornerstone Center for the Arts Art by Amy Rocco will be at the Fickle Peach Art by Amy Rocco will be at the Fickle Peach Green Glam Studio Jewelry at GindhART, Madjax 2nd floor Green Glam Studio Jewelry at GindhART, Madjax 2nd floor Michael Miller at Gordy Fine Art and Framing, Co. Michael Miller at Gordy Fine Art and Framing, Co. “Universal Fluidity: New Paintings by Stephanie Remington,' The Guardian Brewing Co. “Universal Fluidity: New Paintings by Stephanie Remington,' The Guardian Brewing Co. Sam Gindhart, Fiber Arts Pop-Up Exhibit, Madjax 2nd floor Sam Gindhart, Fiber Arts Pop-Up Exhibit, Madjax 2nd floor Virtual Reality, Idia Lab, Madjax Virtual Reality, Idia Lab, Madjax Muncie Makers Market, corner of Adams and Walnut Muncie Makers Market, corner of Adams and Walnut Rand McNally maps and atlases and Replogle globes at Muncie Map Co. Rand McNally maps and atlases and Replogle globes at Muncie Map Co. Open Studioe at Plyspace Open Studioe at Plyspace $1 off mugs at Thr3e Wisemen Brewing Co. $1 off mugs at Thr3e Wisemen Brewing Co. Blues Jam at Valhalla Blues Jam at Valhalla

    Cornerstone Center for the Arts

    520 E. Main

    Join Cornerstone Center for Arts on Thursday, March 7 for the opening reception of The Light Out of The Darkness, an art exhibition by Rebecca Chappelow. The reception will take place in the Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery on the second floor of Cornerstone from 5 to 7 p.m. in conjunction with March’s First Thursday events.

    Orphaned at the age of six, Chappelow’s life became one of neglect and abuse. A kind word by a teacher about a picture she drew at age 8 lit a spark. One act of kindness, never forgotten. As the years passed, art was the light out of the darkness.

    The Light Out of The Darkness will be on display and open to the public in the Judith Barnes Memorial Gallery throughout the month of March.

    For more information about the exhibition call Cornerstone’s Department of Education & Communication at 765-281- 9503, ext. 23 or visit cornerstonearts.org.

    The Fickle Peach (21+)
    117 E. Charles

    Artist Amy Rocco will show her work at the Fickle Peach for March’s First Thursday. Amy was formally trained in painting knowledge and techniques at her previous institution, Florida Southern College, before transferring to Ball State University with a focus on art history. Taking inspiration from her classes, she is a portrait artist using bold colors and mixed mediums to bring life and modernity to her paintings. These expressive contemporary portraits focus on representing the female form with the intension of transmitting emotion to the viewer. 

    Gindhart (at Madjax)
    514 E. Jackson St. (2nd floor)

    Local artist Debra Gindhart will feature her repurposed and recycled Green Glam Studio jewelry during March First Thursday. Gindhart is an avid reuser of many elements, proclaiming her personal pledge to save the landfills one piece of costume jewelry at a time. Debra believes one should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art. One thing is certain: recycling old necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, pins, and other types of jewelry is not as easy as putting it in the curbside recycling bin she says. 20% of jewelry proceeds will support the Bailey for Mayor campaign. Your purchase will support Terry Whitt Bailey an extraordinary Muncie community steward. Join local artist Debra Gindhart in her second floor gallery/studio at Madjax Muncie

    March 7th from 5-8pm. Meet the artist and enjoy light refreshments. 

    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Co.
    224 E. Main

    Gordy Fine Art & Framing Company will open an exhibition of new oil paintings by artist Michael Miller, Thursday March 7,  5 – 8 pm. Miller moved from Los Angeles to Anderson in 2007 and has a studio in the Union Building. His new paintings are large and colorful landscapes and oceanscapes. Throughout the evening, the he will be on hand to engage with viewers and answer questions. At 6:15 he will speak briefly about his work. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend.

    Miller is known nationally as a painter of golf courses and he is meticulously faithful to the sweeping outdoor scenes he paints. As a former golf professional, his career is an unusual cross between the sporting world and the art world. In the 1980s and 90s he was Head Golf Professional at both the MountainGate Country Club in Los Angeles and the Riviera Country Club, Pacific Palisades, CA. He learned painting from Gene Mako, who was a Davis Cup tennis champion and the son of the great American painter Bartholomew Mako. “Miller’s painting style is reminiscent of Mako who used ‘soft edges’ to make images that are more like the way human eyes see the world,” says Gordy owner Carl Schafer. “This allows viewers to imagine the sounds and smells that would be present in the real place.”  

    Miller’s painting career includes One-Person shows at both the United States Golf Association Museum in Far Hills, NJ, and the World Golf Hall of Fame Museum in St. Augustine, FL   He has illustrated two books, "The Art of Golf Design" and "The Golden Age of Golf Design" for golf historian and author, Geoff Shackelford.

    The exhibition will remain on view with works for sale throughout the month of March. Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company promotes talented artists, provides appraisals, and offers expert design and craftsmanship for framing and displaying treasured family possessions and works of art. Business hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5:30 pm, Saturday, 9 am – 3 pm. Gordy Fine Art and Framing Company is located at 224 East Main Street, next door to Muncie Civic Theatre. For more information, visit www.gordyframing.com or call 765-284-8422.

    The Guardian Brewing Company (at Madjax)
    514 E. Jackson

    The Guardian Brewing Company will host an opening reception for “Universal Fluidity: New Paintings by Stephanie Remington.” The opening reception is 5-8pm, 21+ with valid ID.

    Madjax Muncie
    515 E. Main St.

    Fiber Arts Pop-Up Exhibit: Sam Gindhart is returning to Madjax Muncie for a second fiber arts pop-up exhibit. Sam is a visually impaired fiber artist from New Castle, IN. She does her craft by feel. She can't see the t-shirt images. Sam transforms contemporary and collectible t-shirts into wall art. She has really adapted to losing her eyesight. Although she is legally blind, she's the happiest she has ever been in her life. Her makers spirit shines brightly. Second floor, 5-8pm.

    Idia Lab: Virtual Reality Projects: Ball State University’s IDIA Lab will showcase recent virtual reality projects at Madjax during Muncie’s Artswalk. Stop by to explore selections from our immersive multiuser environments that use the HTC Vive VR headsets, animations and custom Human Computer Interaction projects. IDIA Lab staff, students and faculty will be on hand for questions about how these emerging technologies are being used in the arts, sciences and humanities. IDIA Lab is an interdisciplinary virtual reality and simulation lab at Ball State University’s College of Architecture and Planning. http://idialab.org

    Muncie Makers Market
    Corner of Walnut and Adams

    The Muncie Makers Market is happy to be a part of Muncie’s First Thursday community events, thanks to an invitation to take over the sidewalks in front of the Muncie Map Co., at 111 East Adams Street, in Downtown Muncie. We set up on the SE corner of Adams and Walnut Streets from 5-8pm on the first Thursday of every month. Plenty of nearby free parking! Moth Danner will also be hosting a kiosk of consignment items inside the Muncie Map Co. during First Thursday and invites everyone to see what they’ve got going on inside as well.

    First Thursday is a popular local tradition, going years back, with all sorts of vendors, artists, and entertainers set up throughout all of Downtown Muncie inside and outside of various shops, restaurants, bars, and other businesses. It’s fun! I hope to see you all next week, thank you!

    Interested local Growers and Makers should contact the Muncie Makers Market on Facebook for information on how to set up and sell!

    Muncie Map Co.
    111 E. Adams

    Muncie Map Co. will be featuring its new collection of Rand McNally maps and atlases and Replogle globes during extended hours and hosting vendors from the Muncie Makers Market outside on Adams St..

    608 E. Main

    PlySpace Residents will hold Open Studios for First Thursday, March 7th, from 5-8 PM on the second floor in Madjax Muncie. In celebration of the Spring Residency Term, all four Spring Residents will offer glimpses into their creative practice and be available to answer questions about their upcoming projects. Stop by to learn more about the artists, their work, and their collaborative projects in Muncie. Light refreshments will be served. This event is free + open to the public. 

    PlySpace is an artist-in-residence program based in the Emily Kimbrough Historic District in downtown Muncie and is a program of the Muncie Arts and Culture Council. The residency is dedicated to offering visual artists, writers, and other creative individuals time and space to investigate and pursue their own practices while also serving as a platform for experimentation and provocation by facilitating collaboration with various Muncie communities.

    About the Residents:
    Kevin Titzer was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana, although he has been based in the Saguenay region of Quebec for the last nine years. His sculptures are predominantly created from found and scavenged materials. His site-specific installation work is often crafted from materials gathered at the location of construction and formed into improvised house structures. These structures are highly informed by the communities in which they are created. Titzer has been exhibiting professionally in art galleries for twenty years and his work has been shown in Canada, Mexico, Japan, UK, and across the United States.

    Siena Hancock is an interdisciplinary artist who makes sculpture, interactive installation, and artist books/zines. A Boston native, Hancock graduated Massachusetts College of Art with her BFA in 2016. She has recently completed an installation at the Dirt Palace in Providence, RI and a residency at Main St Arts in Upstate, New York. Research plays an important role in Hancock’s practice. Utilizing an ethnographic approach, she records interviews with women as part of ongoing project Feminist Utopias. Her current work deals with cyberfeminism, alternative realities, mythology, and how technology affects social customs.

    Matt Litwin and Victoria Eidelsztein created a street art campaign called FaceMePorFavor with the simple mission of painting portraits as portals to the human spirit. Their goal is to create a visual voice for people to share their hopes and dreams, fear and despair. They install wheat-paste portraits throughout the streets to connect the City with its people—young, old, immigrants, and the hidden people of Buenos.

    Litwin holds a degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and started his own business, Limpio Designs, to help ‘clean’ oppressive environments in Chicago with positive and colorful artwork. Through Limpio, Litwin had the opportunity to work as a traveling muralist and street artist in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Thailand, Canada, and the United States.

    Eidelsztein has a degree in Visual Arts with an orientation in printmaking and has been exhibited her work in group and solo shows since 2008. Since 2013, she has been teaching art in different spaces in Buenos Aires: Flexible Lab, Pinta Conmigo and also at Martín Buber and September elementary schools. Her work has progressed through various media: printmaking, drawing, digital art, and painting. In recent years, Victoria has focused her work on portraits.

    For additional information about the PlySpace Spring 2019 Term residents and related events, please visit our website at www.plyspace.org. For more information about Muncie Arts and Culture Council and its other programs, please visit www.munciearts.org.

    PlySpace is a program of Muncie Arts and Culture Council in partnership with the City of Muncie, Ball State University School of Art, and Sustainable Muncie Corporation. PlySpace is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

    Thr3e Wisemen Brewing Co.
    625 S. High St.

    Thr3e Wise Men will do $1 off mugs for First Thursday. We also started new specials, so we will also have $5 10" Cheese Pizzas and 1/2 off bottles of wine!

    Valhalla  (21+)
    215 S. Walnut

    Valhalla presents “Blues Jam” every Thursday. “Blues Jam” is an open event with sign-up starting at 7pm and music from 8-11pm. Come show us your talent!

Apr 30, 2019


  • Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted - An Exhibition of Artwork by Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton 12pm to 5pm @ PlySpace Gallery 608 E Main Street, Muncie, IN 47305
    Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council is pleased to celebrate Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, May 2, 2019 with an opening reception for Transplanted, a stop-motion animation video game by artists Emily Thornton and Ben Fulcher. The artists will speak about their work at 7:00 PM and will be available to answer questions and share insights about the project and their process with guests. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend. The interactive exhibition of their work will be on view from April 30 to May 3, 2019 12:00 - 5:00 pm in the PlySpace Gallery at 608 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. 

    Developed collaboratively by Fulcher and Thornton, Transplanted is a stop-motion video game that explores the benefits of taking care of another living thing and how that connection can change your life. The narrative of the game is centered around a woman named Elaine who has just graduated college and no longer has a goal or focus for her life. The objective of the game is to take care of a plant that is delivered to her house, an act which serves as a catalyst for change in the character’s life. By taking care of the plant, Elaine begins a transformation from lethargic depression to sentimental optimism through taking care of herself. The game plays as a quick, meditative passage through a character’s personal landscape. As each player slowly begins unpacking Elaine’s personal belongings, they are invited into the sentimental values of often innocuous items. The game is a meditation on personal motivation, and overcoming seemingly monumental tasks, one step at a time.

    In March, Transplanted was selected as a finalist for the Big Indie Pitch competition at the 2019 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California, where Fulcher and Thornton shared their project and received industry feedback alongside other indie developers. Both artists will receive their Master of Fine Arts in Animation from Ball State University’s School of Art this spring. This exhibition of their MFA thesis work offers visitors a unique opportunity to interact with Transplanted and the creative process behind it through individual gaming stations, documents of the digital rendering process, and the display of physical elements from the game’s stop-motion design. 

    Ben Fulcher received his Bachelors of Fine Arts with a focus in Drawing from Clemson University. He is currently an Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art. He spent time teaching English in China and Taiwan. Fulcher was awarded the Aspire Grant from Ball State University in 2018 and 2019. His work has been included in the Independent Talents International Film Festival in Bloomington, IN; the Life Screenings International Film Festival in Clermont, FL; and the Weird Wednesday 0711—Monthly in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Emily Thornton received her Bachelors of Science from Huntington University, and is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art.. Her work has been accepted into RAW Natural Born Artist and published in The Broken Plate, and Huntington Chapter Ictus. Thornton is also a recipient of a silver award from the American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne.

    The PlySpace Gallery is an exhibition and project space programmed by the Muncie Arts & Culture Council to support the activities of the PlySpace Residency as well as the objectives of emerging, experimental, and underrepresented artists and art forms. The PlySpace Gallery will be open for additional viewing hours on:

    Tuesday, April 30th // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday, May 1st // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Thursday, May 2nd // 12:00 - 8:00 PM
    Friday, May 3rd // 12:00 - 5:00 PM

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council and Ball State University School of Art welcome the public to the PlySpace Gallery for this one-of-a-kind exhibition of stop-motion animation and game development during the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk event for First Thursday in downtown Muncie. The PlySpace Gallery is located at 608 East Main Street, and parking is immediately adjacent to the building. Please enter through the gallery door facing the parking lot. For more information, please email info@munciearts.org.

May 1, 2019


  • Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted - An Exhibition of Artwork by Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton 12pm to 5pm @ PlySpace Gallery 608 E Main Street, Muncie, IN 47305
    Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council is pleased to celebrate Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, May 2, 2019 with an opening reception for Transplanted, a stop-motion animation video game by artists Emily Thornton and Ben Fulcher. The artists will speak about their work at 7:00 PM and will be available to answer questions and share insights about the project and their process with guests. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend. The interactive exhibition of their work will be on view from April 30 to May 3, 2019 12:00 - 5:00 pm in the PlySpace Gallery at 608 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. 

    Developed collaboratively by Fulcher and Thornton, Transplanted is a stop-motion video game that explores the benefits of taking care of another living thing and how that connection can change your life. The narrative of the game is centered around a woman named Elaine who has just graduated college and no longer has a goal or focus for her life. The objective of the game is to take care of a plant that is delivered to her house, an act which serves as a catalyst for change in the character’s life. By taking care of the plant, Elaine begins a transformation from lethargic depression to sentimental optimism through taking care of herself. The game plays as a quick, meditative passage through a character’s personal landscape. As each player slowly begins unpacking Elaine’s personal belongings, they are invited into the sentimental values of often innocuous items. The game is a meditation on personal motivation, and overcoming seemingly monumental tasks, one step at a time.

    In March, Transplanted was selected as a finalist for the Big Indie Pitch competition at the 2019 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California, where Fulcher and Thornton shared their project and received industry feedback alongside other indie developers. Both artists will receive their Master of Fine Arts in Animation from Ball State University’s School of Art this spring. This exhibition of their MFA thesis work offers visitors a unique opportunity to interact with Transplanted and the creative process behind it through individual gaming stations, documents of the digital rendering process, and the display of physical elements from the game’s stop-motion design. 

    Ben Fulcher received his Bachelors of Fine Arts with a focus in Drawing from Clemson University. He is currently an Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art. He spent time teaching English in China and Taiwan. Fulcher was awarded the Aspire Grant from Ball State University in 2018 and 2019. His work has been included in the Independent Talents International Film Festival in Bloomington, IN; the Life Screenings International Film Festival in Clermont, FL; and the Weird Wednesday 0711—Monthly in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Emily Thornton received her Bachelors of Science from Huntington University, and is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art.. Her work has been accepted into RAW Natural Born Artist and published in The Broken Plate, and Huntington Chapter Ictus. Thornton is also a recipient of a silver award from the American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne.

    The PlySpace Gallery is an exhibition and project space programmed by the Muncie Arts & Culture Council to support the activities of the PlySpace Residency as well as the objectives of emerging, experimental, and underrepresented artists and art forms. The PlySpace Gallery will be open for additional viewing hours on:

    Tuesday, April 30th // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday, May 1st // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Thursday, May 2nd // 12:00 - 8:00 PM
    Friday, May 3rd // 12:00 - 5:00 PM

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council and Ball State University School of Art welcome the public to the PlySpace Gallery for this one-of-a-kind exhibition of stop-motion animation and game development during the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk event for First Thursday in downtown Muncie. The PlySpace Gallery is located at 608 East Main Street, and parking is immediately adjacent to the building. Please enter through the gallery door facing the parking lot. For more information, please email info@munciearts.org.

May 2, 2019


  • Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted - An Exhibition of Artwork by Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton 12pm to 5pm @ PlySpace Gallery 608 E Main Street, Muncie, IN 47305
    Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council is pleased to celebrate Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, May 2, 2019 with an opening reception for Transplanted, a stop-motion animation video game by artists Emily Thornton and Ben Fulcher. The artists will speak about their work at 7:00 PM and will be available to answer questions and share insights about the project and their process with guests. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend. The interactive exhibition of their work will be on view from April 30 to May 3, 2019 12:00 - 5:00 pm in the PlySpace Gallery at 608 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. 

    Developed collaboratively by Fulcher and Thornton, Transplanted is a stop-motion video game that explores the benefits of taking care of another living thing and how that connection can change your life. The narrative of the game is centered around a woman named Elaine who has just graduated college and no longer has a goal or focus for her life. The objective of the game is to take care of a plant that is delivered to her house, an act which serves as a catalyst for change in the character’s life. By taking care of the plant, Elaine begins a transformation from lethargic depression to sentimental optimism through taking care of herself. The game plays as a quick, meditative passage through a character’s personal landscape. As each player slowly begins unpacking Elaine’s personal belongings, they are invited into the sentimental values of often innocuous items. The game is a meditation on personal motivation, and overcoming seemingly monumental tasks, one step at a time.

    In March, Transplanted was selected as a finalist for the Big Indie Pitch competition at the 2019 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California, where Fulcher and Thornton shared their project and received industry feedback alongside other indie developers. Both artists will receive their Master of Fine Arts in Animation from Ball State University’s School of Art this spring. This exhibition of their MFA thesis work offers visitors a unique opportunity to interact with Transplanted and the creative process behind it through individual gaming stations, documents of the digital rendering process, and the display of physical elements from the game’s stop-motion design. 

    Ben Fulcher received his Bachelors of Fine Arts with a focus in Drawing from Clemson University. He is currently an Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art. He spent time teaching English in China and Taiwan. Fulcher was awarded the Aspire Grant from Ball State University in 2018 and 2019. His work has been included in the Independent Talents International Film Festival in Bloomington, IN; the Life Screenings International Film Festival in Clermont, FL; and the Weird Wednesday 0711—Monthly in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Emily Thornton received her Bachelors of Science from Huntington University, and is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art.. Her work has been accepted into RAW Natural Born Artist and published in The Broken Plate, and Huntington Chapter Ictus. Thornton is also a recipient of a silver award from the American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne.

    The PlySpace Gallery is an exhibition and project space programmed by the Muncie Arts & Culture Council to support the activities of the PlySpace Residency as well as the objectives of emerging, experimental, and underrepresented artists and art forms. The PlySpace Gallery will be open for additional viewing hours on:

    Tuesday, April 30th // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday, May 1st // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Thursday, May 2nd // 12:00 - 8:00 PM
    Friday, May 3rd // 12:00 - 5:00 PM

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council and Ball State University School of Art welcome the public to the PlySpace Gallery for this one-of-a-kind exhibition of stop-motion animation and game development during the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk event for First Thursday in downtown Muncie. The PlySpace Gallery is located at 608 East Main Street, and parking is immediately adjacent to the building. Please enter through the gallery door facing the parking lot. For more information, please email info@munciearts.org.

May 3, 2019


  • Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted - An Exhibition of Artwork by Ben Fulcher and Emily Thornton 12pm to 5pm @ PlySpace Gallery 608 E Main Street, Muncie, IN 47305
    Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton Transplanted by Ben Fulcher & Emily Thornton

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council is pleased to celebrate Brink of Summer ArtsWalk on Thursday, May 2, 2019 with an opening reception for Transplanted, a stop-motion animation video game by artists Emily Thornton and Ben Fulcher. The artists will speak about their work at 7:00 PM and will be available to answer questions and share insights about the project and their process with guests. Light refreshments will be served and the public is invited to attend. The interactive exhibition of their work will be on view from April 30 to May 3, 2019 12:00 - 5:00 pm in the PlySpace Gallery at 608 East Main Street in downtown Muncie. 

    Developed collaboratively by Fulcher and Thornton, Transplanted is a stop-motion video game that explores the benefits of taking care of another living thing and how that connection can change your life. The narrative of the game is centered around a woman named Elaine who has just graduated college and no longer has a goal or focus for her life. The objective of the game is to take care of a plant that is delivered to her house, an act which serves as a catalyst for change in the character’s life. By taking care of the plant, Elaine begins a transformation from lethargic depression to sentimental optimism through taking care of herself. The game plays as a quick, meditative passage through a character’s personal landscape. As each player slowly begins unpacking Elaine’s personal belongings, they are invited into the sentimental values of often innocuous items. The game is a meditation on personal motivation, and overcoming seemingly monumental tasks, one step at a time.

    In March, Transplanted was selected as a finalist for the Big Indie Pitch competition at the 2019 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, California, where Fulcher and Thornton shared their project and received industry feedback alongside other indie developers. Both artists will receive their Master of Fine Arts in Animation from Ball State University’s School of Art this spring. This exhibition of their MFA thesis work offers visitors a unique opportunity to interact with Transplanted and the creative process behind it through individual gaming stations, documents of the digital rendering process, and the display of physical elements from the game’s stop-motion design. 

    Ben Fulcher received his Bachelors of Fine Arts with a focus in Drawing from Clemson University. He is currently an Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art. He spent time teaching English in China and Taiwan. Fulcher was awarded the Aspire Grant from Ball State University in 2018 and 2019. His work has been included in the Independent Talents International Film Festival in Bloomington, IN; the Life Screenings International Film Festival in Clermont, FL; and the Weird Wednesday 0711—Monthly in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Emily Thornton received her Bachelors of Science from Huntington University, and is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate in Animation at Ball State University School of Art.. Her work has been accepted into RAW Natural Born Artist and published in The Broken Plate, and Huntington Chapter Ictus. Thornton is also a recipient of a silver award from the American Advertising Federation of Fort Wayne.

    The PlySpace Gallery is an exhibition and project space programmed by the Muncie Arts & Culture Council to support the activities of the PlySpace Residency as well as the objectives of emerging, experimental, and underrepresented artists and art forms. The PlySpace Gallery will be open for additional viewing hours on:

    Tuesday, April 30th // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday, May 1st // 12:00 - 5:00 PM
    Thursday, May 2nd // 12:00 - 8:00 PM
    Friday, May 3rd // 12:00 - 5:00 PM

    Muncie Arts and Culture Council and Ball State University School of Art welcome the public to the PlySpace Gallery for this one-of-a-kind exhibition of stop-motion animation and game development during the Brink of Summer ArtsWalk event for First Thursday in downtown Muncie. The PlySpace Gallery is located at 608 East Main Street, and parking is immediately adjacent to the building. Please enter through the gallery door facing the parking lot. For more information, please email info@munciearts.org.

Sep 3, 2020


Oct 1, 2020


Oct 29, 2020


Nov 12, 2020


Jun 2, 2022


Oct 6, 2022


Oct 5, 2023


Feb 9, 2024


Feb 24, 2024


Apr 4, 2024


Apr 8, 2024


Feb 26, 2025
