50 Past Virtual Events
9 upcoming virtual eventsJun 26, 2020
Final Friday - Online! 7pm @ Virtual Event
Join emcees C.S. Hendershot and Michael A. Mares for a virtual PechaKucha experience inspired by the David Owsley Museum of Art’s Final Fridays. People have often asked for a summer “Final Friday” experience, so we are trying something new! Hear the same inspiring talks – this time on Facebook Live. Stay for music and video collages by DJ Jannell inspired by summer and the themes of bridges and borders, and celebrate art and community!
7 pm Online Summer PechaKucha Talks
8 pm Party in Place with DJ JannellAug 6, 2020
Death Factory: The Best of Death Factory 7pm to 8pm @ Virtual Event
Death Factory: The Best of Death Factory: A live stream of short videos by: Astrid Carter and Jo Rohlfing, Juan Jose Castano Marquez, Mary Arnett Delany, Karl Erickson, Sasan Kayyod, Nick May, Grif Williams. A combination of old and new work by artists and filmmakers who have previously screened work with Death Factory. In addition, Karl Erickson will be featured as our first artist to present a short workshop/demo in conjunction with his screening as part of Death Factory University.
The screening will happen at 7-8 PM Thursday August 6, at Twitch TV and Vimeo:https://www.twitch.tv/ripdeathfactory for more info as things develop follow us on Instagram @ deathfactory. rip, or check out our website, www.deathfactory.rip!
Sep 11, 2020
That One Film Festival 5:45pm to 10pm @ Virtual Event
URL: http://www.thatonefilmfestival.com Ages: PG-13 That One Film Festival Celebrates Experimental Filmmakers During Two-Day Event
This September 11th and 12th marks the return of That One Film Festival, Muncie’s own biennial experimental film festival. The two-day event will be a free livestreaming event available online where viewers can participate in the livestream content.
The event is produced by students in an immersive learning course at the Ball State University School of Art, with artistic directors Associate Professor Maura Jasper and Assistant Professor Kristin Reeves, in partnership with the Muncie Arts and Culture Council.
That One Film Festival celebrates the work of moving image artists from around the globe. The festival specializes in experimental, no/low budget, and avant-garde film and video art. This year, more than 275 films were submitted to That One for consideration. Of those submissions, 36 individual films have been selected for this year’s program, in addition to screenings of work by the festival’s two jurors, Karissa Hahn and Laura Parnes, and a performance by filmmaker Michael Morris.
This event is rated PG-13 for strong language, and viewer discretion is advised. All events are Eastern Standard Time.
The Opening Night stream begins at 5:45 PM on Friday, September 11th with an introduction by festival Master of Ceremonies Dennis Everette, and Muncie Arts and Culture Council Executive Director Erin Williams. The program will begin at 6:00 PM with a selection of work by Karissa Hahn, PlySpace Virtual Resident and co-juror at this year’s festival, followed by two one-hour programs. The screenings will end at 9:15 PM, after which there will be a performance by filmmaker Michael Morris. The event will conclude at 10:00 PM. The entire program is livestreamed at thatonefilmfestival.com and is free to view.
The festival will continue on Saturday, Sept. 12. Beginning at 11:30 AM, five one-hour programs will be presented throughout the day and evening, as well as a screening of work by New York artist and co-juror Laura Parnes. Viewers can tune in to the stream at any time. Each program will be followed by a short intermission. There will be a scheduled dinner break in the livestream from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. The program will conclude at 9:45 PM with the announcement of the three festival award winners. The full program of films, event times, and ratings is available at thatonefilmfestival.com. T-shirts, tote bags, and at-home viewing kits are available on the website. For more information, please visit thatonefilmfestival.com or follow @that1film on social media. Queries can also be sent to thatone@munciearts.org or info@munciearts.org. Questions about accessibility can be directed to info@munciearts.org.
The Muncie Arts & Culture Council (MACC) is the designated Arts Partner for the City of Muncie. As Arts Partner, MACC assists with municipal initiatives where art integration can benefit economic development and Quality of Place. As an arts alliance, MACC builds community among artists and arts organizations and serves as a resource for professional growth and opportunity. Learn more about MACC and its programs and collaborations at munciearts.org.Sep 13, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Sep 20, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Sep 27, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Cuplets on Facebook 6pm to 8pm @ Virtual Event
Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:
On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets!
This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading - temporarily online at Facebook due to the pandemic - will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza.
#BYOC2 = Build Your Own Community
Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets!
Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! We sure do miss meeting at The Cup and look forward to our post-pandemic return!
And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above!#Cuplets
Oct 1, 2020
The Fall 2020 Muncie YART on Facebook 5pm @ Virtual Event
YART is a Yard Sale for Art held on the First Thursday of every May and October! All Art under $40! All Artists handle their sales with you directly!
The pandemic has challenged everyone on Earth, and most recently, my related challenge has been as long-time Director of YART, Muncie’s Yard Sale for Art, coming up - and going fully online - on Thursday, October 1st. The Fall 2020 Muncie YART will happen! All the talented YART Artists will have their work for sale in a special Facebook group I’ve created. We are keeping that yard sale vibe going by all Art being priced under $40 and all Artists handling their own sales. The last Fall YART showcased over 150 Artists! YART is my giant twice-a-year volunteer gift to Muncie. I never charge any Artist to participate; and I have no staff and no budget. I heartily invite the entire community to come buy some Art at YART on October’s First Thursday at the following Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/4827417053950079
ARTISTS: Sign up to sell at YART for FREE! Join us at Muncie YART on Facebook!
Oct 4, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Oct 11, 2020
Singing for the Actor Masterclass 3pm to 5pm @ Virtual Event
URL: https://www.cornerstonearts.org/enter-stage-right/singingactor Cost: $25 Ages: High School + Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Oct 18, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Oct 25, 2020
Acting for the Camera Masterclass 3pm to 5pm @ Virtual Event
URL: https://www.cornerstonearts.org/enter-stage-right/filmacting Cost: $25 Ages: High School + In partnership with Zach Kononov of Zachting Studio
Acting for the stage and acting for film require a different set of skills. Today, acting for the camera has become a necessary (and fun) way to perform theatre and share stories. Sign up to day to dive into the world of film.
Upon registration you will receive a Zoom link and workshop information.
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Cuplets on Facebook 6pm to 8pm @ Virtual Event
Here ya go, Wordsmiths, coming on the 4th SUNDAY of every month to your local Muncie:
On every 4th Sunday, from 6-8p, join us in celebrating you and your words at Cuplets!
This free monthly event for open mic live poetry reading - temporarily online at Facebook due to the pandemic - will pair flow with joe, rhythm and brews, beats and beans, and result in many a steamed stanza.
#BYOC2 = Build Your Own Community
Cuplets is not curated, everyone is welcome to read. I know y'all are nice and will match the length of your reading to the attendance level so everyone has a chance to read. Read new work or old, rhyme or don't. If it's poetry to you, it's poetry at Cuplets!
Many thanks to the owner of The Cup, Martin George, for inviting me to create this monthly event! We sure do miss meeting at The Cup and look forward to our post-pandemic return!
And a big ol' thank you to Lucian Cruor for the poetry/café word pairings above!#Cuplets
Oct 29, 2020
Visiting Artist Lecture for PlySpace Resident Fellow Natan Diacon-Furtado 6pm @ Virtual Event
Join PlySpace (plyspace.org) and Ball State University School of Art for the visiting artist lecture for PlySpace Resident Fellow Natan Diacon-Furtado. Diacon-Furtado will speak about his work and answer questions about his practice and time spent in Muncie at the PlySpace Residency, a program of the Muncie Arts and Culture Council (munciearts.org).
This event will be held on Thursday, October 29th at 6 PM-7PM via Ball State School of Art Live (https://sites.bsu.edu/artlive/). A live Q&A will follow the lecture. Attendees can view the lecture for free.
Over the last 3 weeks, Diacon-Furtado has worked with 2D Foundation students at Ball State University School of Art in a virtual collaboration. Our Patterns, a project spanning 6 separate classes and including over 100 student participants who developed pattern-based works to create a community “quilt” of patterns, visible on Instagram (@ourpatterns_Muncie). The public is encouraged to follow the progress of this project online, which will culminate in a projected exhibition on the exterior of the PlySpace building on First Thursday, November 5th.
Diacon-Furtado is an internationally recognized and award-winning Brazilian and American artist and designer who has exhibited globally in venues including the Venice Biennale of Architecture and the Buenos Aires International Biennial of Architecture. His design work has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times and Dwell magazine, and he is a founding partner of the New Orleans based arts-focused design studio opossum (itsopossumtime.com).
PlySpace is a program of the Muncie Arts and Culture Council in collaboration with Ball State University School of Art and Sustainable Muncie Corporation, supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.Nov 1, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Nov 8, 2020
Stitch 'n Bitch on Facebook 5pm to 9pm @ Virtual Event
Nov 10, 2020
Discussion with Jean Thompson, Author of "The Year We Left Home" 7pm to 8pm @ Virtual Event
INconversation with Jean Thompson
Join a discussion with Jean Thompson, author of "The Year We Left Home" and Barb Shoup!
“But back home, I can look up and down just about any street and there’s people I’m either related to or I’ve known them all my life and my parents have known them and my grandparents knew their grandparents and there’s a comfort in that. I miss it. That’s all I’m saying. Here, it’s like we’re not from anywhere.”
These words, spoken by one of the characters in Jean Thompson’s novel The Year We Left Home, echo the lyrics of one of Indiana’s most recognizable songs, “Back Home Again in Indiana.” Like the song, Jean’s novel, selected by Indiana Humanities for its One State / One Story statewide read in 2020, describes the enduring, uniting power of place—why we choose or are forced to leave and when we decide to come home.
Jean Thompson, the New York Times bestselling author and National Book Award finalist for The Year We Left Home, is a Midwesterner with Indiana roots. We’re pleased to have her join us for a virtual INconversation to talk about her book, her career as a writer, and the stories we tell about the Midwest. Barb Shoup, the founding director of the Indiana Writers Center, will moderate the conversation.
This special INconversation caps off a year of One State / One Story programming around the state and the second year of Indiana Humanities'’ INseparable initiative.
This event will take place on Zoom; tickets are free but advanced registration is required. A confirmation email with details of how to log-in to the program will be sent the week of the event.
Register here:
Jean Thompson’s The Year We Left Home offers a sweeping, multi-generational look at changing Midwestern life during the final decades of the twentieth century. Read more:
Jean Thompson is a novelist and short-story writer. Her works include the novels A Cloud in the Shape of a Girl, She Poured Out Her Heart, The Humanity Project, The Year We Left Home, City Boy, Wide Blue Yonder, The Woman Driver, and My Wisdom, as well as the short-story collections The Witch and Other Tales Re-Told, Do Not Deny Me, Throw Like a Girl, Who Do You Love (a National Book Award finalist), Little Face and Other Stories, and The Gasoline Wars. Thompson’s short fiction has been published in many magazines and journals, including the New Yorker, and anthologized in The Best American Short Stories and The Pushcart Prize. Thompson has been the recipient of Guggenheim and National Endowment for the Arts fellowships, among other accolades, and has taught creative writing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Reed College, Northwestern University and other colleges and universities. She lives in Urbana, Illinois.
One State / One Story invites Hoosiers to engage deeply with a book as part of a statewide conversation tied to Indiana Humanities’ current theme, INseparable. In 2020, we’re reading Jean Thompson’s The Year We Left Home.
Indiana Humanities connects people, opens minds and enriches lives by creating and facilitating programs that encourage Hoosiers to think, read and talk. www.IndianaHumanities.org
Indiana Humanities will make reasonable modifications to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy our programs. If you need an accommodation, please email Claire Mauschbaugh at cmauschbaugh@indianahumanities.org.
Nov 14, 2020
Ball State Choirs with Symphony Orchestra 4pm to 4:30pm @ Virtual Event
This livestream-only concert will feature the Ball State Choirs performing Dvořák's Te Deum with the Ball State Symphony Orchestra. Also included on the program will be The Awakening by Joseph Martin.
Contact DetailsSchool of Music
Under the direction of Andrew Crow and Kerry Glann, the Ball State University Choirs will perform Antonín Dvořák’s Te Deum with the Ball State Symphony Orchestra. Also included on the program will be The Awakening by Joseph Martin.
Learn more about Dvořák’s Te Deum:
This concert will only be offered as a livestream with no in-person attendance. Please visit the Concert Livestream Page for more information. Streaming begins approximately 15 minutes prior to scheduled concert start time.