Misty Cougill
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Jan 20, 2017
Painting Party "Casuarina Point I" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Casuarina Point I" by Michelle Walker
Its warm SOMEWHERE in January! This beautiful painting is inspired by Casuarina Point, Hope Town, Bahamas. Be sure to watch for version 2 coming up on February 13th at the Cheers Cocktails and Canvas event! Paint the pair!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zcasuarinapoint.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Jan 21, 2017
Kids Painting Party! "Glittering Snow" 1pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $15 Ages: 5+ "Glittering Snow" by Michelle Walker
We love how the snow glitters in the light! Our snowflake painting has... real glitter! Choose your background color and glitter color!
Ages 5+ (Must be accompanied by an adult)
10x8; 1-2 Hours
$ 15.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zglitteringsnow.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Painting Party "Grecian Lotus" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Grecian Lotus" by Michelle Walker
A contemporary spin to an ancient flower!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zgrecianlotus.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Jan 25, 2017
Color the Night Away with Thirty-One and Tastefully Simple! 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Come color the night away on your Thirty-one bag
and snack on Tastefully Simple delicacies!
We provide refreshments, tons of permanent markers,
and an awesome assortment of cash & carry items!!
FREE admission - 35 seats available!
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
(765)749-8717Jan 26, 2017
Throwback Thursday Painting Party! "Snowy Lane" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Snowy Lane" by Michelle Walker
An inviting snowy lane, just right for a brisk winter walk!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zsnowylane.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Jan 27, 2017
Painting Party! "Snow!" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Snow!" by Misty Cougill
Snow, snow, snow! We love snow!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zsnow.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Jan 28, 2017
Kids Painting Party! "Winter Hat and Boots" 1pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $15 Ages: 5+ Kids Painting Party!
"Winter Hat and Boots" by Michelle Walker
Hey its cold outside! Don't forget these adorable hat and boots! Boys can make their hat and boots blue!
Ages 5+ (Must be accompanied by an adult)
10x8; 1-2 Hours
$ 15.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zwinterhatandboots.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 2, 2017
Throwback Thursday Painting Party! "Owl Always Love You" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Owl Always Love You" by Michelle Walker
You can't help but to say "awwww" when you look at this painting!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zowlalwaysloveyou.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 4, 2017
Special Painting Party! "Lovers at Sunset" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25-$30 "Lovers at Sunset" by Michelle Walker
A beautiful, romantic sunset shared by lovers. Personalize with your own silhouette if you'd like! Send a photo of you and your love (doesn't have to be a silhouette) and we'll create a stencil for you to use! Photos must be submitted by Monday, January 30, 9am.
2-3 Hours
$25 Pre-made stencil
$30 Custom Stencil (additional $5)
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zloversatsunset.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 9, 2017
Throwback Thursday Painting Party! "Tree of Love" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25-$50 "Tree of Love" by Michelle Walker
Come create this beautiful (and easy!) painting with your loved one! Two paintings come together to make one large painting! OR paint it on your own on 1 canvas!
1 X 16X20 canvas: $25
2 x 16x20 canvases: $50.00
2-3 Hours
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/ztreeoflove.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 11, 2017
Kids Painting Party! "Emoji!" 10am to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
"Emoji!" by Misty Cougill
Come paint your favorite emoji!
**Note: Today's kids class is at 10am!**
1-2 Hours
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zemoji.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 13, 2017
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! "Casuarina Point" 6:30pm to 12:42pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ heers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and join us at Cheers
to paint and partake at the
Cocktails and Canvas event!
"Casuarina Point II" by Michelle Walker
"Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take ya -
Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama...
Bahamas it is! Casaurina Point to be exact!
16x20 canvas
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zcocktailsandcanvasfebruary.html
Registration required 24 hours prior to prepare for class.
Cheers Tavern
3823 N Broadway Ave
Muncie, Indiana 47303
(765) 216-7013
Let There Be Art: (765)749-8717
Feb 14, 2017
Couples Valentine Day Painting Party! 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $60 Bring your Valentine to paint this unique (and easy!) painting! Two paintings come together to make one large painting!
Includes 2 chocolate roses, hors d'oeuvres, sweets, drinks, & romantic music!
2 x 16x20 canvases
2-3 Hours
$ 60.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zcouplesvalentineparty.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 16, 2017
Open Studio! Come Create! 12pm to 8pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $10 OPEN STUDIO!
Come have fun, we'll clean up!
Registration NOT required!
$10 Studio Fee + cost of consumables
MORE INFO: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/openstudio.html
STUDIO ADDRESS: 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Throwback Thursday Painting Party! "Savanna Family" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $20-$40 Throwback Thursday!
"Savanna Family" by Misty Cougill
Choose 2 12x12 canvases with a whole family of elephants or 1 11x14 canvas with just a mother & child!
2 12x12s: $40
1 11X14: $20
2-3 Hours
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zsavannafamily.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 22, 2017
Open Studio! Come Create! 12pm to 8pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $10 OPEN STUDIO!
Come have fun, we'll clean up!
Registration NOT required!
$10 Studio Fee + cost of consumables
MORE INFO: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/openstudio.html
STUDIO ADDRESS: 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Color the Night Away with Thirty-One and Tastefully Simple! 6pm to 9pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Come color the night away on your Thirty-one bag
and snack on Tastefully Simple delicacies!
We provide refreshments, tons of permanent markers,
and an awesome assortment of cash & carry items!!
FREE admission - 35 seats available!
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
(765)749-8717Feb 23, 2017
Throwback Thursday Painting Party! "Darling Dogwood" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Darling Dogwood" by Michelle Walker
You can almost feel spring in the air!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zdarlingdogwood.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Throwback Thursday Painting Party! "Love Bugs" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $20 "Love Bugs" by Michelle Walker
Its love at first sight for these two adorable lady bugs!
1-2 Hours
$ 20.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zlovebugs.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!
Feb 24, 2017
Painting Party! "Tampa Sunset" 6pm to 12:42pm @ Let There Be Art! CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions! 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
Cost: $25 "Tampa Sunset" by Michelle Walker
A breathtaking sunset in beautiful Tampa!
2-3 Hours
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/ztampasunset.html
**NEW ADDRESS** 7400 E CR 200 S, Muncie, IN 47302
CAUTION! Some GPSs require Selma, 47383 for correct directions!