1 upcoming event with the karaoke tag
28 past events with this tagApr 5, 2025
Steampunk Monthly Meet-up 6pm @ Common Market Look for the Top Hats and Fancy Clothing you cant miss us 900 W 8th Street Muncie
The Steampunk Consortium continues to host a Monthly Meet-up for members and friends who enjoy dressing up and coming out to spend a little time in the good company of friends.
Please feel free to join us at Common Market.
Pizza and other foods, as well as beverages, are available for purchase. There is no other cover charge for attending.
This is an excellent opportunity to show off the outfits you have been creating, learn of ideas for future steampunk-themed adventures, and enjoy friendships in a safe environment.
We encourage you to dress up in your steampunk-themed finest, but it is not required.
Karaoke is also provided for those who wish to present.
Common Market: 900 W 8th St, Muncie, IN 47302
6p to closing (or whenever you are ready to depart)