265 Past Events at The Cup
49 upcoming events at The CupApr 28, 2012
Poetry Reading
7:30pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1608 W. University Ave
The Midwest Writers Workshop, in celebration of National Poetry Month, will sponsor a “Message in the Bottle” reading Saturday night, April 28th, at 7:30 p.m. at The Cup, 1608 W. University Ave. in the Village.
Featured poets:
Michael Meyerhofer is the author of three books of poetry, most recently Damnatio Memoriae, and five chapbooks. He teaches creative writing and poetry at Ball State University.
Jeffrey Owen Pearson—Most recent poems appear in the 2012 Vonnegut issue of Tipton Poetry Journal, the Muncie Poverty Project, and at the Open Door Clinic, Muncie. The chapbook Hawaii Slides was published Pudding House Publications. He has been nominated for the Puschcart Prize.
An open mic will follow the featured readers.
Kelsey Timmerman Kelsey@kelseytimerman.com
Jeff Pearson jjopcelia@comcast.net
May 21, 2012
Knittin' Kittens Call-out meeting
3pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
At this first meeting, we will be planning for future events and activities as well as knitting in a social environment.
May 24, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
May 31, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jun 7, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jun 14, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jun 21, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jun 28, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jul 5, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jul 12, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jul 19, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Jul 26, 2012
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Join us for social knitting and coffee drinking as well as good conversation.
Aug 24, 2012
The World is Ending - A Last Chance Art Exhibit
6pm to 9pm @
The Cup
Join us for the closing reception of The Glue & Scissors Society exhibit being held this month at The Cup. The roster of events will feature poets, musicians, and of course visual artists.
As you tour the village this evening be sure to stop at the following venues: Be Here Now, the Cup, VGR, Grandma Betty's and various areas in between.
So come ingest the first rumblings of chaos. Tee-hee in the face of doom. We dare you.
As we draw nearer to the event, the schedule of performances will be posted.
If you are interested in displaying your own artwork at the event, submit at: http://glueandscissors.org/submitartNov 2, 2012
"Impressions" a Print Show by The Glue & Scissors Society
12pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
Mark making: perhaps the power in this art form is not its singularity but rather, its ability to be duplicated. Creating an impression is like skipping a stone. Each touch, no matter how light, creates a series of ripples. When replication is simple, distribution is simple. From there, the ripples arc out, casting over territory too large for one person, for one idea. Thus they shift, mature, spur creativity in others.
A single impression.
The softest breath over water.
These have the power to enact motion—to push ideas like paper boats farther than our own visible horizons.
The show will feature live music both at The Cup and Be Here Now
Though, all artwork will hang at The Cup.
Performances TBA
**A First Friday EventFeb 1, 2013
Love Will Tear Us Apart: A First Friday Art Exhibit
6pm to 9pm @
The Cup
1606 W University Ave
February is the season of unnaturally dyed daisies, everything heart shaped, and Barry Manilow songs spilling over like too much bubble bath. It is the time of year that we place the whole love shebang up out of reach on some gilt pedestal. “Love unites us!” we shout, lifting our ignorant fists to the heavens.
We at Glue & Scissors are pretty sure love will tear us apart, that all of our hearts better resemble scraped knees.
It's high time we compare scabs—the different shapes and textures of experience, how our bodies exist in constant dialogue with each other.
Love itself is a paradox.
We cleave together.
We are cleaved in two.
Recognition of the reciprocal nature of love means a greater understanding of the human condition.
It is perhaps this scrutiny that has the propensity to unite us.
The Cup will feature performances by:
Blake Mellencamp
Paul Witkamp, William Smith + Their guitars
Marta Vitolins
Also, a series of dramatic readings w/audience participation encouraged.Apr 5, 2013
Glue & Scissors First Friday Art Show: Interface
6pm to 9pm @
The Cup
1606 W. University Ave.
This event aims to display craft, the manipulation of aesthetic where function and form meet.
It will take place Friday, April 5 as a part of First Fridays in the Village from 6-9 pm utilizing both the inside and outside of The Cup.
After the exhibition, there will be a fashion show from 9-9:30 at Be Here Now followed by three bands and a DJ set to close the night!
If you are a designer of any sort, consider submitting to the show here: http://glueandscissors.org/submitart
We are accepting anything design based: graphic design, fashion, jewelry, architecture, textiles, etc.Jun 7, 2013
"Life's a Beach!" Glue & Scissors June Show 7pm to 9pm @ The Cup 1606 W. University Ave., Muncie, Indiana 47303
Join Glue & Scissors in the Village for a First Friday summer art show featuring illustrative artist Dustin Royal. Live music schedule is subject to change:
7:00pm - Phil Tislow
7:30pm - Marta Vitolins
8:00pm - Blake MellencampEvent is free and all-ages.
The party continues with an afterparty concert at Be Here Now, 9:00pm-1:00am!
Oct 24, 2013
The Scene @ the Cup: Ep 3 - Dreams of University & Gentlemen 7pm to 8pm @ The Cup 1606 W. University Ave
Every Thursday at The Cup, a recent episode of "The Scene" from Indiana Public Radio will be played. "The Scene" highlights the best live local music from Central Indiana. Swing by, have a great cup of coffee, and enjoy some great tunes!
This episode:
Dreams of University - The Muncie natives reunited to put on one hell of a final show.
Gentlemen - "The pursuit of being gentlemanly, if such a thing still exists anymore, is the thing we seek. We are bringing back the lost art of chivalry, with a love for music, and for those who embrace it. So, please come enjoy the music with us, and the journey on which it leads us. And when you see us, expect a smile, a handshake, and a badass show.
Thank you,
The Gentlemen"Oct 31, 2013
The Scene @ the Cup: Ep 4 - Steven and the Savvy & Hawk and Dove 7pm to 8pm @ The Cup 1606 W. University Ave
Every Thursday at The Cup, a recent episode of "The Scene" from Indiana Public Radio will be played. "The Scene" highlights the best live local music from Central Indiana. Swing by, have a great cup of coffee, and enjoy some great tunes!
This episode:
Steven and the Savvy - "Steven Dunn started playing music when he took his first piano lesson in kindergarten. After many years, and forgetting most of his piano lessons, Steven has finally made his own impact on the music scene. An avid songwriter, he developed a unique and personal style sliding apart from the indie standard of fashion and song style. Starting as a solo artist in December of 2009, a band started forming midway through 2010, Steven and the Savvy was born. They have been featured in Nashville, Chicago, Indianapolis, and their hometown of Bloomington, IN. As a group they draw their inspiration from friends and family, and ultimately from all the beautiful life around them. So, come check out their shows and maybe you’ll inspire their next song."
Hawk and Dove - 6-piece psychedelic folk country rock.
Nov 7, 2013
The Scene @ the Cup: Ep 5 - Girls Rock! Indianapolis Showcase 7pm to 12:42pm @ The Cup 1606 W. University Ave
Every Thursday at The Cup, a recent episode of "The Scene" from Indiana Public Radio will be played. "The Scene" highlights the best live local music from Central Indiana. Swing by, have a great cup of coffee, and enjoy some great tunes!
This episode:
Girls Rock! Indianapolis Summer Showcase - "Girls Rock! is a non-profit organization dedicated to building positive self-esteem in girls and encouraging creative expression through music. This music education programs provides girls with an opportunity to participate in an environment that fosters leadership, encourages social change, and cultivates a supportive community of female peers and mentors. Rock."
Glue & Scissors First Friday Art Show: Interface
6pm to 9pm @
The Cup
1606 W. University Ave.
Love Will Tear Us Apart: A First Friday Art Exhibit
6pm to 9pm @
The Cup
1606 W University Ave
"Impressions" a Print Show by The Glue & Scissors Society
12pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
The World is Ending - A Last Chance Art Exhibit
6pm to 9pm @
The Cup
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens meeting
6pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Knittin' Kittens Call-out meeting
3pm to 12:42pm @
The Cup
1606 University Ave Muncie, IN 47303