Startup Weekend Muncie

When Friday, October 11, 2019
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Where Ontario Systems
1150 W Kilgore Ave
What Education prize
Cost $25-50 (promo codes available, follow us on social media)
Series Startup Weekend Muncie

During the weekend of October 11-13, we are hosting our second Startup Weekend Muncie. If you’re not familiar, Startup Weekend is a global organization powered by Techstars and Google designed to connect business people, programmers, and designers together to build a company over a 54-hour span. We aim for Startup Weekend to be a bridge to bring together both students and community members to collaborate and see what they can accomplish over a weekend. Check out our website for additional information

It is exhilarating and inspiring to see what can be accomplished over just a weekend! If you have an idea or are just curious about the first steps to take when starting up, Startup Weekend is for you.