Toria Callow
Log in to view email address.2 Contributed Events:
Apr 16, 2024
High Street Dam: Community Questions Panel 6pm to 7pm @ Minnetrista Cultural Center Indiana Room 1200 N Minnetrista Pkwy
Final public input meeting for the high street dam feasibility study. This will be the last time for in-person public opinion.
There will be an online survey following the meeting that will be up for several weeks for anyone to submit comments if you are unable to make this meeting in person.
We hope to see you there!
Apr 23, 2024
Water sampling event 12pm @ Prairie Creek Reservoir 7801 S 560 E Rd, Selma, IN 47305
Ages: 18 + The White River Sampling Blitz with The Nature Conservancy Indiana and the Muncie Bureau of Water Quality will be taking place April 23rd between 12-4pm at Prairie Creek Reservoir (7801 S 560 E Rd, Selma, IN 47305).
We ask that all participants be 18 and older and wear appropriate shoes and clothes to spend time in and near the river. No one monitors alone, so bring a friend or you will be given a partner! Volunteers can expect to monitor for an hour after being trained. All sites are within 30 minutes of Prairie Creek Reservoir.
RSVP with this link or by emailing
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