2 Past Events at The Locker Room
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Mar 19, 2012
Towels for Howls-Trivia Madness
9pm to 12:42pm @
The Locker Room
ARF benefit Trivia night..Bring 5 paper towel rolls to donate and reveive 12 bonus pts. over two games!
Tags: trivia, community activism, benefit show Link: https://muncieevents.com/event/1177 Author: Robert Meadows Mar 26, 2012
Towels for Howls-Trivia Madness
9pm to 12:42pm @
The Locker Room
ARF benefit Trivia night..Bring 5 paper towel rolls to donate and reveive 12 bonus pts. over two games!
Tags: trivia, community activism, benefit show Link: https://muncieevents.com/event/1180 Author: Robert Meadows
Towels for Howls-Trivia Madness
9pm to 12:42pm @
The Locker Room
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