9 Past Events at Cheers Tavern
There are no upcoming events at Cheers Tavern
Aug 8, 2016
Cocktails and Canvas at Cheers! 6:30pm to 12:42pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ Grab your friends and join Let There Be Art at Cheers to paint and partake at the Cocktails and Canvas event!
"Tropical Paradise" by Michelle Walker
This painting transports you to a tropical paradise! Feel the warm sun. Smell the salty air. Kick back in the hammock... aaahhhhhh. Paradise!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zcocktailsandcanvas.html
Studio Closes at 3pm!
Jan 16, 2017
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! Painting Party! 6:30pm to 12:42pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ UPDATED 1/12/17
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and join us at Cheers
to paint and partake at the
Cocktails and Canvas event!
"Backyard Sunset" by Michelle Walker
This sunset was inspired by a sunset seen on our Let There Be Art studio property!
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zcocktailsandcanvasjanuary.html
Registration required 24 hours prior to prepare for class.
Cheers Tavern
3823 N Broadway Ave
Muncie, Indiana 47303
(765) 216-7013
Let There Be Art: (765)749-8717
Feb 13, 2017
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! "Casuarina Point" 6:30pm to 12:42pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ heers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and join us at Cheers
to paint and partake at the
Cocktails and Canvas event!
"Casuarina Point II" by Michelle Walker
"Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take ya -
Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama...
Bahamas it is! Casaurina Point to be exact!
16x20 canvas
2-3 Hours
$ 25.00
REGISTER: https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/zcocktailsandcanvasfebruary.html
Registration required 24 hours prior to prepare for class.
Cheers Tavern
3823 N Broadway Ave
Muncie, Indiana 47303
(765) 216-7013
Let There Be Art: (765)749-8717
Dec 11, 2018
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or
have cocktails with your canvas!
Second Tuesday of every month!
It's the annual Christmas Party, sponsored by Kathy Planton, Thirty-One Gifts! There will be giveaways, food, fun, and come prepared to shop the Thirty-One booth for great Christmas gift ideas!
Can't wait to shop? Visit online for great gift ideas: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mythirtyone.com%2Fus%2Fen%2Fplanton%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2bhewizcWLr-NTgdPBxytNiXKlETh_2scPo9fP2_HQVf4tx0IwGzHBvQU&h=AT2dfTYKpLZcksYDt4s4vI_40xBUEeIacCs0--mXjOk3mqGgM4ljUIZh4_SZ_waDpVGZa2D43D6cVfordMG0NheaBhXJ5JhhECCCUaeuqGI6kxEX7HA3oQ">https://www.mythirtyone.com/us/en/planton
Painting Info:
"Looking in on Christmas" by Michelle Walker
2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sun, 12/9/18 6:30pm
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 30
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to get order some great Cheers food and drinks!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
www.lettherebeart.gallery%2Ftermsconditionspolicies.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR21jRkVbse2SDuuMtSSWR23dUKot2eo8vMSnirb5IBitqeec50P6JXLrpo&h=AT0Mo8GKOjZSmZYtyoeBnAP4-WftUmFvObxhId7p7gkDWl5JuOw5DClDygJ2SanB-37qsmijRl1XUiHS_jsh94ii3YDJCDSEWojpZzToifLKTql74w8e-w" target="_blank" data-lynx-mode="hover">https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/termsconditionspolicies.html
See you at the party!
Jan 8, 2019
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or
have cocktails with your canvas!
Second Tuesday of every month!
"Cardinal Red Barn" by Michelle Walker
2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sun, 1/6/18 6:30pm
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 30
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to get order some great Cheers food and drinks!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
www.lettherebeart.gallery%2Ftermsconditionspolicies.html%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0RHyKhIY3xV6KW_E9vK0asjVD7pSTWlEdAOFCeinY3II1JDfY-HTvl-sI&h=AT0ItMDyTNHHKJ8ZV5QfBpTva2mgiZaCDIjQbN8P-zkE4Ovydcundpvrj5grKwz9ytx7DuRxBCNP_0QGcvKx5eW2X1n1Oows-_Vc1_QxE1UIJwhXwH8OHA" target="_blank" data-lynx-mode="hover">https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/termsconditionspolicies.html
See you at the party!
Feb 12, 2019
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas February! -Hosted by Let There Be Art! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ SNOW DATE IF CANCELED: 2/19/19, 6:30PM
Second Tuesday of every month is Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or have cocktails with your canvas!
No experience necessary!It's a Paint N' Pass Progressive Painting Party! Everyone will take home a unique piece of art! It's gonna be one wild night of painting!
"Progressive Painting"16x20
2 - 3 hours
$25Registration deadline: Sun, 2/10/19, 6:30pm
PAID REGISTRATION REQUIRED.REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cheers-cocktails-and-canvas-february-tickets-54812148612
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 36
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to order great Cheers food and drinks!
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:Apron!
Tools & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!CAUTION: Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
https://www.lettherebeart.gallery/termsconditionspolicies.htmlSee you at the party!
Mar 12, 2019
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas March! -Hosted by Let There Be Art! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ SNOW DATE IF CANCELED: 3/19/19, 6:30PM
Second Tuesday of every month is Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or
have cocktails with your canvas!
No experience necessary!
"Babys Breath in a Ball Jar" by Michelle Walker
Helpful stencil included
2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sun, 3/10/19, 6:30pm
PAID REGISTRATION REQUIRED.Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 36
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to order great Cheers food and drinks!
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
CAUTION: Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.See you at the party!
Apr 9, 2019
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas April! -Hosted by Let There Be Art! 6:30pm @ Cheers Tavern 3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $25 Ages: 21+ Second Tuesday of every month is Cheers Cocktails and Canvas!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or have cocktails with your canvas!
No experience necessary!
"April Showers" by Misty Cougill
Helpful stencil included
2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sun, 4/7/19, 6:30pm
PAID REGISTRATION REQUIRED.Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 36
Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to order great Cheers food and drinks!
Price includes everything you need to create this masterpiece:
Tools, & Supplies!
Step-by-step instruction!
CAUTION: Acrylic paint will NOT come out of clothing!
When registered, always check your email in case your class is canceled.
If using a gift certificate, please call, text, or FB message the LTBA Studio to register. (765)749-8717
By registering, you are agreeing to our terms, conditions, and policies.
See you at the party!
Aug 18, 2020
Cheers Cocktails and Canvas
6:30pm @
Cheers Tavern
3823 N Broadway Ave Muncie, IN 47303
Cost: $30.00 Ages: 21+ WE'RE BACK & it's Flamingo Fest!
Grab your friends and paint with a pint, or
have cocktails with your canvas!
No experience necessary!
"Fabulous Flamingo" Canvas Sign by Misty Cougill
• 16x20
• 2 - 3 hours
Registration deadline: Sunday, 8/16/20, 8pm
Minimum 10 participants required to hold the party.
Maximum capacity: 15
Plan to arrive 10 minutes early to get a good seat, earlier to order great
Cheers food and drinks!